ESACB - Pósteres em encontros científicos/técnicos
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- Conservação do crisântemo pós-colheitaPublication . Delgado, F.M.G.; Crespo, GonçaloSendo o crisântemo (Chrysanthemum hortorum L.) considerado como a espécie de maior importância na altura dos finados, na região de Castelo Branco, a te¬cnologia de produção ligada a esta espécie já vem sendo aperfeiçoada há largos anos na Escola Superior Agrária de Castelo Branco. A cultivar Snowdon foi a que melhores resultados deu nesta região e, foi com esta cultivar que se procederam aos ensaios. O custo das flores é elevado, fundamentalmente porque a oferta é pequena e re¬gista-se ausência de técnicas eficientes de conservação a longo prazo para redução das quebras por deterioração ocorridas após a colheita. Para estudar alguns destes métodos utilizaram-se quatro medidas de conservação, através de utilização de soluções de preservação e de factores como a tempera¬tura e a humidade. As modalidades utilizadas foram: I - solução a 2% de sacarose; II - solução de 1,2 g/L de Nitrato de Prata, com imersão do caule a 5 s.; III - água destilada; IV - Câmara de frio a 20ºC com Humidade relativa de 90%. Em cada modalidade foram observadas 10 flores no mesmo estado de desenvolvimento e, os registos foram diários até 60 dias após o corte. Dados referentes a estas observações serão referidos no trabalho.
- Effects of body condition and GnRH pulse infusion on LH profiles, ovarian follicle populations and ovulation in postpartum beef cowsPublication . Andrade, L.P.; Rhind, S.M.; Wright, I.A.; McMillen, S.R.; Whyte, T.K.An experiment was designde to determine: a) whether or not the normal process of follicular development can be accelerated in LBC cows by infusion of pulses of GnRH, so that their postpartum anoestrous period is as short as that of cows in high body condition (HBC) and b) the effect of GnRH pulse infusions on associated gonadotrophin profiles.
- Effect of GnRH pulse infusion on LH profiles and ovarian follicle populations at 7 weeks post-partum in beef cows in different body conditionPublication . Andrade, L.P.; Rhind, S.M.; Wright, I.A.; McMillen, S.R.; Whyte, T.K.Effect og GnRH pulse infusion on LH profiles and ovarian follicle populations at 7 weeks post-partum in beef cows in different body condition.
- Effects of bovine somatotropin (Growth hormone) treatment on gonadotropin profiles and ovarian follicle populations during the postpartum period in beef cows in low body conditionPublication . Andrade, L.P.; Rhind, S.M.; Wright, I.A.; McMillen, S.R.; Whyte, T.K.Effects of bovine somatotropin (Growth hormone) treatment on gonadotropin profiles and ovarian follicle populations during the postpartum period in beef cows in low body condition.
- Propagação de Melia azedarach L.Publication . Fevereiro, Maria João; Delgado, F.M.G.A espécie Melia azedarach L. tem sido cultivada tanto como ornamental, como para aproveitamento da sua madeira para diversos fins. Mas, estudos recentes revelaram que esta espécie contém em vários órgãos (folhas, frutos, sementes e casca) substâncias com potencial utilização no controlo de algumas pragas, compostos estes, que podem obviar alguns dos problemas ambientais causados pelos insecticidas à base de petróleo.
- A regional ecological characterization method for quality and impact assessmentPublication . Fernandes, João P.; Quinta-Nova, L.C.; Baptista, P.J.The development of a landscape ecological assessment and evaluation method applicable to the planning and management processes, and the impact assessment is the aim of this paper. A large scale characterization and evaluation methodology is tested in a 365 square Km area where an intensive ecological characterization was performed. This methodology is referred to two spatial referentials: land use distribution and homogeneous landscape units, which are described in terms of their spatial distribution and attributes, their matrix, patch, or corridor character, its permeability, connectivity and complementarity. A combination of both spatial referentials allows the application of algorithms evaluating different ecological values (conservation value, productivity, heritage value, functional value). The methodology is particularly suited to be used in the assessment of ecological impacts of land use changes and the construction of local and linear infrastructures.
- Analysis of the ecological evolution of an area in the Setubal Peninsula (Apostiça) caused by changes in land use patternsPublication . Quinta-Nova, L.C.The aim of the study was to analyse the evolution of land use patterns and environmental functions in Apostiça (Setubal Peninsula, Portugal). The study area was chosen for study because it serves as a dynamic model of land use modification, while simultaneously plays an important role in connecting habitats of great ecological value. The year 1966 was considered the starting point (base year) for the modifications, as that year marks the opening of a bridge over the Tagus River and the beginning of a direct traffic connection between Lisbon and the Setubal Peninsula. A structural characterisation and analysis of the main elements belonging to the overall ecological structure was completed for each year identified in the study in order to analyse the modification of the biological structures in the study area. Three indices were tested as measures to describe different proprieties of the landscape, the habitat layers index (Short 1988), the diversity index originated in information theory (Shannon and Weaver 1962) and the landscape contrast index (Romme et al, 1982; Hoover et al. 1991). The result of the application of the habitat layers index (Short 1988) indicates that this index could be useful to analyse de changes in biotope quality. The agricultural land use units abandoned, are well identified by a decrease of the habitat layers index. To study the structural diversity of the landscape was applied a diversity index originated in information theory (Shannon and Weaver 1962). That index gives information about the degree of heterogeneity of the land forms and vegetation cover belonging to a land use unit. The mapping of the Shannon index could be important in order to analyse the natural and semi-natural structures. For artificial structures the results are not so correct, and was difficult to establish a relation between the land use quality and its structure. The mapping of the landscape contrast index could be useful to identify potential corridors for species flows across the landscape.
- The use of vegetation structure measures to improve habitat classificationPublication . Quinta-Nova, L.C.The methods used to determine habitat classifications are important to planning and management. Therefore, the use of wildlife communities to improve habitat classification is crucial in Landscape Ecology. The importance of vegetation in the habitat use characteristics of breeding bird communities occurring in Évora (Portugal) was studied. Two transects were censured to provide distributional records of all species in order to investigate the relationship between vegetation structure and ornithological abundance. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) was used to identify the vegetation measures with greater influence in breeding bird community composition, using Foliage Height Diversity (FHD) and other vegetation structure measures.
- A method for evaluating the landscape quality and potential at a regional scalePublication . Fernandes, João P.; Baptista, P.J.; Quinta-Nova, L.C.A multidisciplinary, long term project aimed at developing and testing assessment and evaluation tools for the ecological management of the landscape is being developed in the University of Évora (Portugal). The main project is divided in three sub-projects (Characterization of the conservation value of the SE Alentejo Region; Identification of the main ecological processes and functions in Évora; and Analysis of the significance of ecological characterization methods in Apostiça). The main objectives to be achieved are to describe the ecological potential of the landscape, and determine the land-use practices and land-use intensities necessary to ensure the maintenance and promotion of the conservation value of landscape, in order to assess the ecological value of a land-use structure and also evaluate the sustainability of alternative land-use patterns. As preliminary conclusions we could say that the evaluation of the stability of a landscape by comparing the degree of correspondence of the nature of both levels of characterization - land-use distribution and homogeneous landscape units - is of particular importance in the evaluation of the fragmentation degree of that landscape, and the real disturbance determined by proposed land-use changes.
- Pneumomediastino no cãoPublication . Pires, Maria João; Matos, Ana Cristina; Ginja, Mário; Oliveira, Paula; Antunes, LuísPneumomediastino no cão.