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- The key factors for a learning space: time, space and activityPublication . Silva, Pedro Moreira da; Gouveia, Luís BorgesTechnology is a valuable tool in education both to increase access to knowledge and to promote learning. On the one hand, the ability of ICTs to centralize and organize large amounts of knowledge and, on the other hand, the students' familiarization with information networks and the internet, aims to interconnect students in networks and learning communities. Much has been studied about how spaces should be designed to enhance this type of learning. New learning environments are being built from scratch, others are simply altered or reformulated to respond to changes in pedagogical styles to incorporate ICT. In an age where the real and the virtual coexist, the learning spaces must be designed and adapted to concretize these realities. In this study I will present the main premises that should support the construction or transformation of several specific Learning Spaces to make possible the existence of two worlds, the real and the virtual. In this context, we propose three new variables that parallel technology will play a key role in the future learning space, (i) Time, (ii) Space, (iii) Activity. If we consider that the occupation of a Learning Space implies available time and if learning is not fixed by time or place, we find that the learning space needs a conjugation between space and time. Higher Education Institutions have to be more efficient in the use of time, where different times may have different learning experiences with different conjugations. Effective learning involves Time, Space and Activity that is developed within it, which distinguishes it from other spaces. A new experiment is suggested using those new variables to elucidate the construction of High Quality Learning Environments.
- A model for construction of high quality learning environements: the relevant factorsPublication . Silva, Pedro Moreira da; Gouveia, Luís BorgesStudents have developed a different set of activities and opportunities, resulting from interactions with technology and environments rich in new and old media. This can provide great advantages in many areas, such as the ability to use information technology and the ability to work collaboratively. But, on the one hand, this may also create a discontinuity between their expectations and the work environment they will find in universities. To avoid this discontinuity, organizations must find alternative methods to traditional ones. On the other hand, universities should foster interactivity and collaborative work. For this, there must be a remodeling of existing spaces in organizations to enhance these characteristics. It is thus evident a necessary remodeling of the spaces of motivated learning, both by technological needs and by students' needs. A Learning Space project must be aligned with the strategy of the Institution. The face of an Institution will be characterized by the Spaces of Learning that it offers. The importance of the introduction Information and Communication Technologies in the learning/teaching process it’s an important point in the creation of Learning Environments, but just by itself it does not bring significant changes. In this context, we propose a Model of the Learning Space Organization based on identification of the factors considered essential for Building High Quality Learning Environments. We assume that Design changes, Cultural changes along with Rich spaces Technology and New Planning spaces lead to the construction of High Quality Learning Environments. In this context, we propose a Model of the Learning Space Organization based on identification of the factors considered essential for Building High Quality Learning Environments. We assume that Design changes, Cultural changes along with Rich spaces Technology and Planning New Spaces lead to the construction of High Quality Learning Environments.
- Projeto IMINELEARN : novas dimensões do Património Natural e Cultural do Geopark NaturtejoPublication . Silva, PedroO sistema imersivo IMINELEARN é uma solução avançada de visualização do tamanho de uma sala que combina alta resolução, projeções e gráficos em 3D realizados com computadores para criar uma experiência imersiva completa de um ambiente virtual nas antigas Minas de Segura (Idanha-a-Nova, Geopark Naturtejo Geoparque Mundial da UNESCO). Os utilizadores da Sala Imersiva do Centro de Interpretação da Biodiversidade “Terras de Idanha”, em Segura (alunos, professores e público em geral), poderão usar uns óculos de Realidade Virtual onde será apresentada uma imagem em três dimensões do interior de uma galeria da mina onde é recriada a ilusão de estar fisicamente dentro dela. Ao caminhar dentro da mina os utilizadores são levados a explorar um conjunto de conteúdos especialmente concebidos por geólogos do Geopark Naturtejo, com a finalidade de compreender aspetos geológicos e mineiros daquela antiga exploração.
- Desenvolvimento de uma aplicação multimédia na área da saúde para crianças: patologias para minorcasPublication . Oliveira, Inês; Oliveira, Ângela; Silva, Pedro Moreira da; Leal, AndréNa segunda metade do século XX mudanças importantes ocorreram na comunicação, na forma e no local onde ocorre. Vários exemplos demonstram que, também na saúde, a forma como a comunicação é feita é um factor muito importante no sentido de informar e influenciar as decisões de indivíduos e de comunidades. Sobre esta problemática José Teixeira do Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada de Lisboa diz que a comunicação efectiva em saúde tem influência importante a nível individual e comunitário. Desta forma este estudo para além de explorar novas formas de comunicação recorrendo à utilização de ferramentas informáticas, propõe o desenvolvimento de uma aplicação multimédia intitulada Patologias para Minorcas, que possibilita novas formas de comunicação das principais patologias em crianças. O desenvolvimento desta aplicação enquadra-se no trabalho efectuado no final do curso de Informática para a Saúde da Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Castelo Branco, em colaboração com a Escola Superior de Saúde do mesmo Instituto. Este projecto surge no seguimento de uma necessidade sentida pelos profissionais de saúde no que diz respeito á comunicação de patologias em crianças uma vez que a comunicação em saúde, a crianças e jovens, tem que ser específica, não se podendo comparar à que é feita a um adulto, desta forma criou-se um ambiente multimédia que facilita o processo de comunicação bem como o entendimento do tipo de patologia e das suas especificidades. Esta deve funcionar, como auxiliar do profissional de saúde, professores e educadores de infância, na explicação do tipo de patologia existente, pretendendo facilitar a aprendizagem dos conceitos através da utilização de jogos intuitivos e construídos em função da idade da criança.
- New dimensions of learning space: immersive trainnig systemsPublication . Silva, Pedro; Pais, N.; Rodriguez, G.; Rodrigues, JoanaThe immersive training systems and virtual reality represent the new generation of learning spaces. This new computer technology has an incredible potential in education field. Virtual Training, Interface Checking, Full Digital Immersion are same the uncountable applications of those technologies. This paper provides an introduction to the new dimensions of learning spaces using virtual reality (VR) and its possibilities for learning space. Provides a brief overview of existent immersive training systems and show the potential for education and training in: (i) exploration; (ii) Training practical / technical skills; (iii) operation / maintenance; and (iv) academic concerns. Educational institutions will benefit from better accessibility to virtual technologies; this will make it possible to teach in virtual environments that are impossible to visualize in physical classrooms, like accessing into a mine. This type of visits may be conditioned due to difficult accesses, safety conditions and reduced space. The huge possibilities of accessible virtual technologies will make it possible to break the boundaries of formal education. This paper also aims to explore immersive virtual reality as a potential strategy for students learn about Geology and Geomining Heritage, addressing several topics, such as landscapes, rocks, ores, veins, exploitation and transformation processes and intangible heritage. An immersive learning experience is now being developed for the Naturtejo Geopark Interpretative Center.