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- Attention in physical education classes: differences between colletive sportsPublication . Santos, Jorge; Petrica, João; Serrano, João; Batista, Marco; Honório, Samuel; Lercas, Afonso Jorge Vicente; Maia, LuisAttention is considered an important mediator variable in the teaching / learning process, because of that, the scientific community made several investigations in order to understand what students are thinking, what strategies are best to captivate their attention and the type of instructions and/or feedback to develop students’ performance in achieving motor skills. In this research we tried to find differences in attentional profiles, of students during the practice of football and basketball at different moments of a Physical Education class. The sample consists of 156 students of both genders (84 females and 72 males), between 12 and 16 years old ( of 3rd Primary School (7th, 8th and 9th grade) to which a questionnaire was applied, ATEST- EF (Petrica 2010). Questionnaire which students had to point out what they were thinking at certain time of the Physical Education class. This was applied in team sports (football and basketball). In descriptive terms we found that students are in general aware of the task, information and behavior, and there are a few differences between the percentages between them, but from the test Chi_Square we found no statistical differences between the different moments of the Physical Education class. We concluded that, in this sample we didn’t verified the importance of attention and students focus in the different moments of team sport’s practice
- Attention in physical education classes: Differences between different individual modalitiesPublication . Santos, Jorge; Maia, Luis; Petrica, João; Serrano, João; Batista, Marco; Honório, SamuelIntroduction: Sport activities demand a focused and polarized attention, as necessary condition to learning process. Described as an essential condition to the learning process, attention is considered a powerful mediating variable, because we can notice its influence on the teaching-learning process, as well as its influence on the teacher’s behaviour, the student’s behaviour and the learning results. According to this fact, the focused attention arises as a fundamental condition to the learning process, since the greater the power to keep the focus on a certain object or task, the better the chance of success. Objective: We intend to know the aspects to which the students pay attention during the different moments of the Physical Education class, in individual sportive activities. Methodology: The sample consisted of 156 students from the 3rd Cycle of Basic Education, of both genders (84 female and 72 male). We applied the questionnaire ATEST-EF (Petrica 2003), in which the students signalized what they were thinking of at certain moments of the Physical Education classes, more precisely of Athletics and Gymnastics classes. The results indicate that there are no significant differences, because after the application of the test of “Chi-Square” to associate the variable “Attention” and the variable “Signal” for the individual activities, we can verify the value of (p= .373). From the analysis performed, we can infer that in relation to students' attention profile study in individual sportsathletics and gymnastics, there are no statistically significant differences.
- Psychometric validation of Atest-EF and attention profile of students during physical education classesPublication . Santos, Jorge; Petrica, João; Serrano, João; Batista, Marco; Honório, Samuel; Maia, LuisThe present study aimed for the adaptation and validation of the Questionnaire Atest-EF, with the use of a confirmatory factorial analysis (CFA) of the measurement model, applied to students of the 3rd cycle of Basic Education. A total of 156 students of both genders, aged between 12 and 16 years (M = 14.7 ± SD = 1.3) were included in the study, with 84 female and 71 males, from the 7th, 8th and 9th grade. The main results reveal that the psychometric qualities confirm the adequacy of this model, demonstrating that the Atest-EF factorial structure: 1 factor/4 items, has very acceptable indexes of Atest - EF validity: (χ2 = 6.141, p = .000, χ2/gl = 3.07, NFI = 0.90 CFI = .925, IFI = .930, MFI = .9997, GFI = .995, AGFI = .975, RMR = .042, RMSEA = .08, SRMR = .028). With these results, the structural model reveals a satisfactory factorial assessment. This led to conclude that the Portuguese version of Atest-EF can be used, with high confidence in the evaluation of the student’s attention profiles in Physical Education classes. Compared with the moments of the class, there were only significant differences in students’ attention in the approach to sports in the first and fourth moments of the class, as well as in the general profile of attention, with significantly higher values in the approach to team sports.
- Effects of a senior exercise program on functional capacity in institutionalized elderly in the municipality of MaçãoPublication . Santos, Jorge; Petrica, João; Mendes, Marcelo Cândido; Serrano, João; Silveira, Paulo; Maia, LuisThe aim of this study was to study the effects of a Senior Gymnastics Program (SGP), with duration of 12 weeks 2 times per week, on the functional capacity of the elderly in the municipality of Mação, through the application of the Senior Fitness Test (SFT). On the other hand, to perceive how Functional Capacity evolved in the elderly who did not benefit from the program. We tried to verify if an SGP, specific for this age group, caused significant effects in both genres in the improvement of the functional capacity of the institutionalized elderly. It was sought to evaluate the evolution of the functional capacity (FC) of the institutionalized elderly. who did not benefit from SGP. A quantitative, experimental, analytical and longitudinal research was carried out. The sample consisted of 2 groups of elderly institutionalized in the House of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Mação, one that we designated as experimental (GE) with 13 individuals (10 women and 3 men 87,15±6,09) who carried out the 12 week program and one that we denominated sedentary group (GS) with 10 (7 women and 3 men79,6 ±6,45 individuals who did not benefit from the program. As a conclusion, the experimental group showed statistically significant differences in all SFT battery tests, except for the 8 foot Up and Go again (p≥0.06).
- The attention of students during physical education class based on academic performancePublication . Santos, Jorge; Petrica, João; Serrano, João; Batista, Marco; Honório, Samuel; Maia, LuisAttention is an important variable that can dictate the success and failure of an activity or task. This variable is characterized by the ability to direct cognitive resources to a given situation. The purpose of this research was to find patterns in the students’ attention profiles, according to their academic achievement, during the physical education class and in different sports. We used the ATEST-EF questionnaire (Petrica, 2010) in which students had to answer the question «What were you thinking the moment you heard the signal?» The study involved 156 students from the 3th cycle of basic education, aged between 12 and 16 years old ( = 14,7 ± 1,3) evaluated in four different sports taught in the discipline of physical education (athletics, gymnastics, basketball and football), and in four moments of the class. Considering our variables, we used Chi-Square and Kruskal-Wallis statistical tests. The results show that task attendance holdsthehighestpercentagevalues throughouttheclassinrelationtotheremainingcategories,regardlessoftheiracademicperformance and sport, but we observed that students with satisfactory and good academic performance have more stable values of attention regarding the students with less academic performance. We found statistical significance at the end of the class between students with good academic performance and affective attention, and among students with lower academic performance and attention to other things. Subsequently, we used the same classification to compare the profiles of attention among the four mentioned sports. We observed some patterns between team and individual sports, but did not find statistically differences, however the results suggest a positive relationship between attention and academic performance.
- A gestão da psicologia do desporto e o contexto prisionalPublication . Rodrigues, Rita; Maia, Luis; Santos, Jorge; Sofia, SilvaA psicologia do desporto é definida como uma área profissional e uma disciplina científica que foca nas pessoas e nos seus comportamentos em atividades desportivas e atividades físicas. Para muitos é uma subdisciplina das ciências do desporto e para outros uma subdisciplina da psicologia. A psicologia do desporto tem raízes com mais de 100 anos e atualmente tem sido uma tendência. Afunilando o tema, a atividade desportiva, em contexto prisional, tem impacto na saúde e bem-estar físico e psicológico dos reclusos, permite que estes desenvolvam vários tipos de competências, que haja uma taxa alta de desistência do crime e reabilitação e permite ajudar na gestão de criminosos. Olhando para a atualidade, vivemos uma pandemia que condicionou todos os contextos, e o contexto prisional não é exceção. O psicólogo é imprescindível nesta altura para auxiliar todos os constituintes deste contexto. Apesar disto tudo, percebe-se que há ainda um caminho longo para a psicologia do desporto percorrer e para se valorizar o desporto no contexto prisional.
- Study of the attention and its importance in teaching / learning sportsPublication . Santos, Jorge; Petrica, João; Maia, LuisIn this article we will try to address the importance of attention as a relevant construct in teaching, learning, performance and training of sports activities in its several modalities. We will try to draw attention to the fact that athletes in general, and young people who are developing their learning of a particular sport, are strongly influenced by their attentional profiles (e.g., depending on aspects that are more internal or external to the subjects: in a broadband perspective or with a pronounced and specific focus of the attention). Such conjectures allow us to make considerations regarding the way that teaching / learning models are conceived for physical education classes, since there seems to be a attention profiles fluctuation at different moments of the class, as well as, it cannot be forgotten the relevance of the attentional profiles of each student during the whole learning, developing and consolidating process in the practice of a sporting modality.
- Self-perception of life quality and the practice of physical activity in elderlyPublication . Santos, Jorge; Petrica, João; Cardoso, Rui Fernando da Silva; Serrano, João; Batista, Marco; Honório, Samuel; Maia, LuisThe aging of population is an increasingly observable fact in several developed countries. We know that this life period can mean loss of life quality due to biological losses, psychological problems and social relations. The present study intends to verify if elderly people practicing a regular program of formal physical activity have a better perception of their quality of life compared to non-practicing elderly. The number of participants consisted of 64 elderly people (n = 64), living in Proença-a-Nova, being divided into two groups of 32 elements, in which one group had formal physical activity and the one was non-practitioners. The perceived quality of life was measured using the MOS SF-36 questionnaire. The results revealed that the perception of the quality of life presents only statistically significant differences in the physical and social functions and the health change item, in which that the group of practitioners presents higher values
- O perfil de atenção dos alunos nas aulas de educação física: diferenças entre os distintos momentos da aula na leccionação de modalidades desportivas individuaisPublication . Santos, Jorge; Petrica, João; Maia, LuisAs modalidades desportivas demandam uma atenção concentrada, detida e polarizada, como condição necessária para o processo de aprendizagem. Tomada como condição essencial para a aprendizagem, a atenção, é considerada uma poderosa variável mediadora, porque é notória a sua influência no processo de enino-aprendizagem, bem como a influência existente entre o comportamento do professor, do aluno e os resultados das aprendizagens. A partir desse pressuposto, a atenção focalizada surge como condição fundamental para a aprendizagem, pois, quanto maior o poder de manter o foco em determinado objeto ou tarefa, maiores serão as hipótese de sucesso. Pretendemos conhecer os aspetos aos quais estão atentos os alunos nos distintos momentos da aula de educação física, em modalidades desportivas individuais. A amostra foi formada por 156 alunos do terceiro ciclo do ensino básico, de ambos os géneros (84 sexo feminino e 72 sexo masculino). Foi usado o questionário ATEST-EF (Petrica 2003), com o qual pretendemos conhecer em que estavam a pensar os alunos nas aulas de Educação Física, no qual os alunos teriam de assinalar em que estavam a pensar em determinados momentos da aula, este foi aplicado nas modalidades de Atletismo e Ginástica. Os resultados obtidos indicam que não existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas, entre os distintos momentos da aula e as modalidades desportivas, pois após aplicação do teste do Qui-Quadrado para a associação entre as variáveis “Atenção” e “Sinal” para as Modalidades Individuais verifica-se um valor de (p>0,05).