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  • Built environment: the sustainability of heritage
    Publication . Silva, J.A. Mendes da; Ferreira, Ana Vaz
    Different sustainable evaluation tools can provide a way to certify the building¬¬`s performance during its life cycle: raw material depletion, production of materials and components, construction, use and demolition. In this process, several variables that analyze common components, such as the reduction of resources consume, the reuse and recycle potential, flexibility and adaptability, the pollution components generated during the process, are involved. Some examples of these tools are the systems like SBTool, BREEAM, BEE or LiderA that are used to evaluate a specific context according to specific conditions. Meanwhile, the existing evaluation systems are oriented to the building´s design phase or have under consideration patterns adapted to the 21st century reality. This work was developed due to the need to analyse and evaluate the built environment, specifically in what concerns the urban settlements in Portuguese cities, with more than three hundred years old, and that are not enclosed in the new construction’s reality - both at materials and techniques levels. The knowledge gathered about the built environment allows the creation of a sustainable grid capable of guide-lining rehabilitation actions. The evaluation of these urban areas was carried out based on an exhaustive work of collecting the building’s characteristics, in an area with around 770 buildings, allowing the creation of a built environment sustainability evaluation grid and adapted to socio, cultural, heritage, economic and environmental contexts. The grid mentioned before was designed after a set of parameters were analyzed, such as: i) the existent materials and the constructive solutions adopted; ii) the urban mesh and the meeting of the construction resources to the built environment; iii) the contemporaneous patterns and the possibilities of reusing; iv) the heritage and cultural values; v) the social and economic values. The evaluation grid presented in this work shows a set of different parameters, where the criteria that are related to the external environment are reassessed according to the existent urban possibilities and where the criteria related to internal environment are adapted to the existent spaces’ possibilities.
  • O processo de Bolonha no IPCB : dos princípios à sua aplicação
    Publication . Ferreira, Ana Vaz; Cruchinho, Alexandra; Delgado, F.M.G.; Ramos, George; Pereira, Paula; Sapeta, Paula; Afonso, Paulo
    O período que vivem atualmente as Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) é considerado por todos os agentes envolvidos como um período de mudança, uma vez que se assiste a grandes alterações, quer na cultura de ensino, quer na cultura de aprendizagem. Neste sentido, não é possível deixar de refletir sobre estas transformações, tendo como pano de fundo a promoção de um nível adequado de exigência académica que deve ser uma característica das IES. A elaboração e divulgação de um relatório anual de concretização do Processo de Bolonha que, para além da exigência legal, e face às transformações verificadas no ensino superior resultantes do Processo de Bolonha, pretende mostrar o que tem sido desenvolvido pelas IES e especificamente pelo Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco (IPCB) para garantir uma formação orientada para o desenvolvimento das competências específicas e transversais, para as medidas de apoio à promoção do sucesso escolar e para as medidas de estímulo à inserção na vida ativa dos estudantes e podem ser consultados em
  • Implementação de novas práticas pedagógicas no ensino superior
    Publication . Ferreira, Ana Vaz; Delgado, F.M.G.; Afonso, Paulo; Cruchinho, Alexandra; Pereira, Paula; Sapeta, Paula; Ramos, George
    A implementação de paradigmas no Ensino Superior resultantes da introdução do Processo de Bolonha abre portas para a renovação. A qualidade passa pela revisão dos curricula, pela reorganização dos processos de ensino-aprendizagem, pela estruturação das unidades curriculares e cursos, pela qualificação e formação de docentes, pelo sucesso e resultados escolares, pela avaliação das competências atingidas e pela confiança social no ensino superior. Em 2010 foi delineado o Projeto “Construção da Aprendizagem” /ConstAp) com o objetivo principal de motivar as mudanças, nomeadamente ao nível das metodologias adotadas e da implementação do trabalho autónomo, para garantir uma carga de trabalho do estudante contínua ao longo do semestre. A questão central é a melhoria da qualidade no ensino ministrado. Este artigo analisa a execução do projeto implementado no IPCB, desde o ano letivo 2009/10, no âmbito do processo de Bolonha, contextualizando os seus objetivos, implementação e condicionantes.
  • Sustainability assessment of building rehabilitation actions in old urban centres
    Publication . Almeida, Cláudia; Ferreira, Ana Vaz; Silva, J.A. Mendes da
    It is essential that the society understands the importance of sustainable development, its implication for the existing living standards and the need to implement management policies that promote sustainability. Rehabilitation assumes a fundamental role in this process; however, we are faced with the lack of specific, adequate and simplified tools for the sustainability assessment in rehabilitation actions. In this paper, the analysis of different sustainability assessment systems was conducted, comparing them in order to identify the adjustments to be made to a Portuguese model taken under consideration. Subsequently, the model was cross-checked with current European and national urban rehabilitation and regeneration policies, analysing their contribution to sustainability, in order to define the assessment criteria and create a Simplified Method for the Sustainability Assessment for rehabilitation in old urban centres, which can be a useful tool, easy to use by all actors in the process and as a way of preserving the history of this areas, and the memory of those who inhabit them. This Method considers five major areas: Water, Energy, Materials, Emissions and Cultural, Economic and Social Environments. For each of these criteria, measurement indicators and levels of assessment were settled, adjusted to the context of old urban centres.
  • Sustainable heritage: analysis of bulding's thermal behaviour
    Publication . Ferreira, Ana Vaz; Silva, J.A. Mendes da
    The energy consumption of buildings has presented a steady growth in face of the global energy consumption. This fact is related to a variety of factors, including the increased demand for comfort by the inhabitants, the low quality of construction of buildings and their inadequacy to the climatic and environmental context in which they are included. Reversing this tendency includes the necessary intervention in the built environment, promoting the attainment of comfort through interventions that respect the principles of sustainability in construction, namely in resource consumption over the building’s life cycle. Energy rehabilitation can be accomplished by enhancing the envelope’s thermal protection using strategies in terms of i) strengthening insulation in the opaque envelope; ii) strengthening insulation of the glazing and iii) control of solar gains. The use of passive solar systems and the improvement of energy systems are other approaches for improving the thermal performance of dwellings. This study examines the constructive characteristics and the pathologies found in approximately 700 buildings located in Coimbra’s downtown (“Baixa”), the historic sector of the city. From this analysis it was possible to assess the present-day performance of these buildings, attending to the existing code and the application of DesignBuilder software, and to define the desired levels of performance resulting from rehabilitation procedures. The definition of these levels allows the superintendence of the process of intervention, taking into account the solutions to adopt with regard to the principles of sustainability.
  • Adapting portuguese architecture to former african colonies climate conditions
    Publication . Ferreira, Ana Vaz; Silva, J.A. Mendes da
    The Portuguese architecture is borderless due to the colonialism period. Many African countries can testify this influence and the cities still sprawling around remaining old buildings. These constructions are characterized by using local resources and adapting Portuguese architecture to the climatic characteristics and answering local natural hazards. The work developed presents a systematic approach about the constructive changes, identifying the solutions adopted for answering climatic demands. The passive solar systems used were categorized and some examples were selected according to examples found in African cities with Portuguese influence as Beira (Mozambique), Lubango, Namibe and Luanda (Angola) and Praia (Cape Verde). This analysis encompasses strategies to improve thermal behavior of buildings, as ventilation trough the analysis of ventilated roofs or windows geometry, shadowing devices as large eaves, brises and second facades, among other issues. The local construction was also analyzed in order to find out traditional techniques for cooling buildings in a natural way.
  • Comparison between codes for building's thermal behaviour: Brazil and Portugal
    Publication . Ferreira, Ana Vaz; Silva, J.A. Mendes da; Romeiro, Natália
    Resumo O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar as limitações presentes nas normas brasileiras através da comparação com a regulamentação portuguesa e destacar possíveis propostas que possam contribuir ara uma metodologia mais exigente. Como estudo de caso, selecionou uma residência, com os padrões construtivos definidos no Programa Minha Casa, Minha Vida (PMCMV), para três cidades brasileiras com zonas bioclimáticas distintas e com isso, analisou os resultados obtidos através das seguintes metodologias: i) do método simplificado da norma brasileira NBR 15575; ii) do método prescritivo do RTQ-R; iii) do programa informático Design Builder. Através das análises dos resultados e da comparação com a metodologia da regulamentação portuguesa (REH), identificou as principais limitações que constam nas normas, como também os elementos que construtivos com maior influência nos ganhos e perdas de calor da edificação. Dessa forma, foi possível concluir que a metodologia prescritiva das normas brasileiras restringe a análise dos elementos de paredes e cobertura, ignorando o contributo pelos vãos envidraçados, assim como apresenta valores limites e metodologias diferenciadas para os mesmos parâmetros de avaliação entre as normas, o que podem conduzir a interpretações diversas. Visto que as normas já apresentam uma estruturação com base relativamente adequada, a incorporação das propostas na regulamentação surge como contribuição viável para uma metodologia mais exigente, ao valorizar os elementos construtivos determinantes ao edifício.
  • Pedagogical changes towards the implementation of the Bologna Process: indicators’ structure of measurement
    Publication . Ferreira, Ana Vaz; Afonso, Paulo; Cruchinho, Alexandra; Delgado, F.M.G.; Ramos, George; Sapeta, Paula
    The transition into the twenty-first century brought about important changes in society, including the areas of education and teaching. The establishment of the European Higher Education Area represents an effort to face these changes together in Europe. The changes in the teaching and learning models in higher education led to the institutional promotion of extensive interventions in order to alter the status quo that has prevailed for decades. The need for a cultural renewal of the teaching staff involved in higher education, attending to the centrality of student’s learning rather than knowledge per se, is also a challenge to be overcome. This study intends to highlight the central elements concerning the Bologna Process and the topics connecting the objec- tives and their intrinsic principles. This initial approach is the basis for the design of a proposal for monitoring the implementation of the Bologna Process in an institution of higher education in Portugal. The results suggest a proposal consistent with the needs in terms of monitoring the implementation of the Bologna Process. This proposal allows, in addition to static analysis relative to a specific academic year, dynamic analysis between academic years, uncovering best practices and areas for improvement.
  • Caracterização construtiva de aldeias do Parque Nacional da Gorongosa
    Publication . Mendes, Michael; Ferreira, Ana Vaz
    O Parque Nacional da Gorongosa foi criado em 1960 e possui 4.067 km2 que integra a Serra da Gorongosa, sendo que em 2008 foi estabelecida uma Parceria Público-Privada de 20 anos para a gestão conjunta do PNG entre o Governo de Moçambique e a Fundação Carr (EUA). O projeto do Parque envolve ainda as comunidades locais que vivem próximas ao parque natural. Este trabalho consiste num trabalho efetivo de caracterização das habitações tradicionais locais e dos modos de construir existentes no parque. Importa perceber as soluções utilizadas, compreendendo o seu funcionamento no que respeita à relação com o clima local, assim como com a resistência e durabilidade das habitações. O objetivo principal consiste na identificação e caracterização dos sistemas construtivos aplicados em 3 aldeias do Parque Nacional da Gorongosa. Pretende-se que esta caracterização seja construtiva, do ponto de vista dos materiais e soluções aplicadas, assim como mecânica através da caracterização em termos da sua resistência e composição. Ao mesmo tempo, pretende-se dentro das soluções construtivas mais utilizadas nas aldeias em estudo averiguar a sustentabilidade, aplicando uma metodologia de avaliação relativa da sustentabilidade. De facto, em Moçambique são recorrentes as construções com terra, a tecnologia mais usual é a terra de recobrimento, apesar do preconceito em relação a este tipo de construções associadas à pobreza o que provoca o seu desprezado pela sociedade. Desta forma, é necessária uma conscientização da população para a execução deste tipo de construções como forma alternativa para a melhoria das condições de habitabilidade da população. Partindo duma matéria prima considerada frágil e caracterizando os materiais que servem de base para o presente estudo, demonstra-se as qualidades e a sustentabilidade dos referidos materiais para a aplicação nas construções de baixo custo e possibilitando assim acesso à construção ultrapassando o difícil acesso dos materiais.
  • The accomplishment of portuguese thermal code exigencies in old housing buildings’ interventions
    Publication . Ferreira, Ana Vaz; Silva, J.A. Mendes da
    The energetic certification system was implemented in Portugal in 2006, with repercussion after 2008, and motivated by the transposition of European Energy Performance Building Directive (EPBD) from 2002. The system was reviewed in 2013, after the EPBD recast in 2010. The new legislation came up with restrictive parameters in terms of constructive solutions in order to decrease the energetic consume and Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GGE) from built environment. These parameters, such as U-values for example, are presented through reference and maximum values, and is mandatory that the analyzed building present a nominal cooling and heating needs inferior than a reference building. The thermal code is not mandatory for some buildings, considering some specific characteristics, and are an exception to the norm. It is possible not to apply it in the situation when the code compromises traditional buildings in terms of architectural value and/or patrimonial interest. The aim of this work focused on the analysis of some interventions, the existent solutions and the intervention actions, in old buildings where the thermal code was not applied. These data were compared with the thermal code exigencies in order to understand what extra efforts are required in order to accomplish the reference values and its implications in buildings architectural characteristics as well as its impact in patrimonial relevance and value.