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- Industrial IoT devices and cyber-physical production systems: review and use casePublication . Rubio, Eva Masero; Dionísio, Rogério Pais; Torres, PedroThe present paper describes the state of the art related to IIoT Devices and Cyber-Physical systems and presents a use case related to predictive maintenance. Industry 4.0 is the boost for smart manufacturing and demands flexibility and adaptability of all devices/machines in the shop floor. The machines must become smart and interact with other machines inside and outside the industries/factories. The predictive maintenance is a key topic in this industrial revolution. The reason is based on the idea that smart machines must be capable to automatically identify and predict possible faults and actuate before they occur. Vibrations can be problematic in electrical motors. For this reason, we address an experimental study associated with an automatic classification procedure, that runs in the smart devices to detect anomalies. The results corroborate the applicability and usefulness of this machine learning algorithm to predict vibration faults.
- Cyber-physical production systems supported by intelligent devices (smartboxes) for industrial processes digitalizationPublication . Torres, Pedro; Dionísio, Rogério; Malhão, Sérgio; Neto, Luis; Ferreira, Ricardo; Gouveia, Helena; Castro, Helderndustry 4.0 paradigm is a reality in the digitization of industrial processes and physical assets, as well as their integration into digital ecosystems with several suppliers of the value chain. In particular, Industry 4.0 is the technological evolution of embedded systems applied to Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs). With this, a shift from the current paradigm of centralization to a more decentralized production, supported by Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), is implied. The work reported in this paper focuses on the development of smart devices (SmartBoxes), based on low-cost hardware such as Raspberry Pi and also platforms certified for industrial applications, such as NI CompactRIO. Both platforms adopted the OPC-UA architecture to collect data from the shop-floor and convert it into OPC-UA Data Access standard for further integration in the proposed CPPS. Tests were also performed with the MQTT protocol for monitorization. Each SmartBox is capable of real-time applications that run on OPC-UA and MQTT, allowing easy interaction between supervisory systems and physical assets.
- Magnetoresistive sensors and piezoresistive accelerometers for vibration measurements: a comparative studyPublication . Dionísio, Rogério Pais; Torres, Pedro; Ramalho, Armando; Ferreira, Ricardohis experimental study focuses on the comparison between two different sensors for vibration signals: a magnetoresistive sensor and an accelerometer as a calibrated reference. The vibrations are collected from a variable speed inductor motor setup, coupled to a ball bearing load with adjustable misalignments. To evaluate the performance of the magnetoresistive sensor against the accelerometer, several vibration measurements are performed in three different axes: axial, horizontal and vertical. Vibration velocity measurements from both sensors were collected and analyzed based on spectral decomposition of the signals. The high cross-correlation coefficient between spectrum vibration signatures in all experimental measurements shows good agreement between the proposed magnetoresistive sensor and the reference accelerometer performances. The results demonstrate the potential of this type of innovative and non-contact approach to vibration data collection and a prospective use of magnetoresistive sensors for predictive maintenance models for inductive motors in Industry 4.0 applications.
- Desenvolvimento e teste de uma smartbox versátil para o chão de fábricaPublication . Torres, Pedro; Dionísio, Rogério PaisO surgimento de várias inovações tecnológicas permitiu a digitalização e a transformação da indústria, acompanhando o paradigma da Indústria 4.0. Tecnologias ligadas à robótica, aos sensores inteligentes, ao fabrico assistido por computador, à Internet das Coisas ou à Inteligência Artificial permitem a interligação entre os mundos físicos e virtuais. A interoperação entre todos estes domínios do saber é o princípio para transformar o processo de produção e criar uma fábrica inteligente. O foco deste artigo centra-se no desenvolvimento e teste de uma smartBox, capaz de comunicar eficientemente com os equipamentos no chão de fábrica e integrá-los em plataformas de IIOT (Industrial Internet of Things). À smartBox estão acopladas cartas e módulos de sensores e atuadores adequados às especificidades de cada máquina. esta tem de ser capaz de operar em tempo-real, ter uma boa performance e escalabilidade e bons canais de comunicação. O hardware da smartBox tem, por isso, de ser robusto, flexível, escalável, funcional, suportar diferentes tecnologias e permitir atualizações futuras, características essenciais a uma disseminação do conceito de Indústria 4.0 no chão de fábrica. Atualmente, existe no mercado uma diversidade de plataformas de hardware capazes de suportar o desenvolvimento da smartBox e servir de Gateway com qualquer equipamento no chão de fábrica. Por sua vez, os controladores lógicos programáveis e as suas plataformas de programação atuais são cada vez mais versáteis e intuitivos de programar, facilitando o processo de desenvolvimento, no sentido em que cada equipamento do chão de fábrica tem a sua especificidade, processo e tecnologia. Dado que muitas instalações industriais têm alguns anos de existência, por vezes as linhas de comunicação andam a par com as linhas de potência e é necessário prestar atenção às questões das interferências e formas de as minimizar. Nesse caso, os protocolos de comunicação a utilizar devem corresponder aos requisitos necessários em comunicações industriais, tal como a redundância, tolerância a interferências, reduzida latência, e minimizar as retransmissões e a perda de pacotes de dados. Nesse âmbito, apresentamos um caso de estudo em que é analisada a vibração de um motor elétrico; testamos duas soluções distintas para a smartBox: uma é baseada num sistema de aquisição de dados da National Instruments, onde o software LabVIEW é usado para adquirir, processar e armazenar os dados num servidor OPC (Object Linking and Embedding for Process Control). A outra solução incorpora as plataformas Arduino e EtherCAT. As características de ambas as propostas são analisadas e comparadas.
- On the development of a component model for the realization of Industry 4.0Publication . Neto, Luís; Gonçalves, Gil; Torres, Pedro; Dionísio, Rogério PaisThe fourth industrial revolution promotes Industrial Cyber Physical Systems (ICPS) as the key to achieve smart, efficient, flexible and self-organizing production plants. In a shop floor there are heterogeneous physical and logical assets that form the ICPS. But without proper communication and composition techniques the integration of these assets in ICPS is compromised. Component Based Software Engineering (CBSE) is a discipline of growing relevance for ICPS because integration and composition issues have been extensively researched in the software domain. Under the Reference Architecture for Industry 4.0 (RAMI 4.0), the Industry 4.0 Component Model inherits aspects of CBSE to specify how several industrial plant assets can form an ICPS. The technological aspects for physical assets digitalization and integration have been explored, but the I4.0 Component model lacks proposals and use cases for dealing with industrial software components. In this work we discuss the development of the Smart Component Model as a proposal for integration of software components in ICPS. Furthermore, we focus on how prediction and monitoring applications could be converted in I4.0 Components and integrated in ICPS. To sustain our proposals, we describe a real industrial case study where these developments are being applied.
- Design of CAN Bus communication interfaces for forestry machinesPublication . Spencer, Geoffrey; Mateus, Frutuoso; Torres, Pedro; Dionísio, Rogério; Martins, RicardoThis paper presents the initial developments of new hardware devices targeted for CAN (Controller Area Network) bus communications in forest machines. CAN bus is a widely used protocol for communications in the automobile area. It is also applied in industrial vehicles and machines due to its robustness, simplicity, and operating flexibility. It is ideal for forestry machinery producers who need to couple their equipment to a machine that allows the transportation industry to recognize the importance of standardizing communications between tools and machines. One of the problems that producers sometimes face is a lack of flexibility in commercialized hardware modules; for example, in interfaces for sensors and actuators that guarantee scalability depending on the new functionalities required. The hardware device presented in this work is designed to overcome these limitations and provide the flexibility to standardize communications while allowing scalability in the development of new products and features. The work is being developed within the scope of the research project “SMARTCUT—Remote Diagnosis, Maintenance and Simulators for Operation Training and Maintenance of Forest Machines”, to incorporate innovative technologies in forest machines produced by the CUTPLANT S.A. It consists of an experimental system based on the PIC18F26K83 microcontroller to form a CAN node to transmit and receive digital and analog messages via CAN bus, tested and validated by the communication between different nodes. The main contribution of the paper focuses on the presentation of the development of new CAN bus electronic control units designed to enable remote communication between sensors and actuators, and the main controller of forest machines.
- Industrial IoT smartbox for the shop floorPublication . Torres, Pedro; Dionísio, Rogério Pais; Malhão, SérgioThis research focuses on the development and testing of a Smartbox demonstrator, which allows sensing, monitoring and storage of equipment parameter’s data from industrial environments through Wireless and Ethernet networks, using OPC UA (OPC Unified Automation), Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocols.
- Design-With-IoT and Design-For-Automation: A Proposal for Product Development Oriented for ExcellencePublication . Dionísio, Rogério Pais; Torres, PedroThis paper presents two methodologies for the design and development of new products called Design-with- IoT (DwIoT) that aims to integrate IoT technology into products, focusing on a set of guidelines for its implementation, and the concept of Design-for-Automation (DFA), important in the development of new automation oriented products in an industry 4.0 context.
- Digital twin environment for Forestry 4.0 application using a CAN Bus architecturePublication . Spencer, Geoffrey; Dionísio, Rogério Pais; Neto, Luis; Torres, Pedro; Gonçalves, GilThis paper presents a digital twin demonstrator of a forest harvesters and wood processing machines. The demonstrator is a cyber-physical system that allow the emulation and identification of faults that may occur during regular machine operations. The proposed solution includes a CAN Bus communication between several electronic controller units connected to sensors and actuators.
- Smart gateways for IOT-Factory integration: trends and use casePublication . Rubio, Eva Masero; Torres, Pedro; Dionísio, Rogério PaisThis book chapter proposes a description of smart gateways and cyber-physical systems (CPS) for the industrial internet of things (I-IOT). It also presents a case study where a smart gateway is developed to be used in different types of industrial equipment for the shop floor. The case study is developed under the specifications of different industries in the region of Castelo Branco. It is a proof that the 4th industrial revolution will be the engine for SME innovation, independence of the regions and their financial strength. It is also proof that the cooperation between universities, industries and startups can evolve to break barriers and add value in the improvement of regional industries competitiveness. Topics that will be addressed on the chapter can be used for developers, students, researchers and enthusiasts to learn topics related to I-IOT, such as data acquisitions systems, wired and wireless communication devices and protocols, OPC servers and LabVIEW programming.
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