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- Attention in physical education classes: Differences between different individual modalitiesPublication . Santos, Jorge; Maia, Luis; Petrica, João; Serrano, João; Batista, Marco; Honório, SamuelIntroduction: Sport activities demand a focused and polarized attention, as necessary condition to learning process. Described as an essential condition to the learning process, attention is considered a powerful mediating variable, because we can notice its influence on the teaching-learning process, as well as its influence on the teacher’s behaviour, the student’s behaviour and the learning results. According to this fact, the focused attention arises as a fundamental condition to the learning process, since the greater the power to keep the focus on a certain object or task, the better the chance of success. Objective: We intend to know the aspects to which the students pay attention during the different moments of the Physical Education class, in individual sportive activities. Methodology: The sample consisted of 156 students from the 3rd Cycle of Basic Education, of both genders (84 female and 72 male). We applied the questionnaire ATEST-EF (Petrica 2003), in which the students signalized what they were thinking of at certain moments of the Physical Education classes, more precisely of Athletics and Gymnastics classes. The results indicate that there are no significant differences, because after the application of the test of “Chi-Square” to associate the variable “Attention” and the variable “Signal” for the individual activities, we can verify the value of (p= .373). From the analysis performed, we can infer that in relation to students' attention profile study in individual sportsathletics and gymnastics, there are no statistically significant differences.
- Effects of swimming and water walking on body composition and spirometric values in young childrenPublication . Honório, Samuel; Duarte-Mendes, Pedro; Batista, Marco; Serrano, João; Paulo, Rui; Oliveira, João Filipe Moiteiro Dias de; Petrica, João; Santos, JorgeAquatic activities have been recommended as frequent practices due to the physical properties of water with improvements in body composition of young. Objective: To study if there are differences in body composition and spirometric values in children who practice swimming complemented with water walking and those who only practice swimming. Methodology: 28 individuals (6 to 12 years) were divided into two groups: swimming group (SG: n=9) and swimming complemented with water walking group (SWWG: n=19) in three different moments with 6 weeks between them. For body composition a bio-impedance scale was used and an anthropometric tape for the waist circumference. For spirometric values: forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) and even peak expiratory flow (PEF) a Cosmed Microquark spirometer was used. For statistical procedures the SPSS (20.0) program for descriptive statistics, the Shapiro Wilk test for testing the normality, inferential statistics (non-parametric Mann-Whitney tests, Friedman's Anova), and for the effect size the d-Cohen test. Results: Regarding the inter-group analysis (comparison between the SG and SWWG) we observed that there were significant differences in weight (p=0,004), forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1: p=0,025) and peak expiratory flow (PEF: p=0,033). Concerning intra-group differences (improvements in the SG and SWWG), the SWWG showed significant improvements in weight muscle mass (p=0,029), fat mass (p=0,002), percentage of water (p=0,018),, body mass index (BMI: p=0,000), body percentiles (p=0,000), forced vital capacity (FVC: p=0,003) and forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1: p=0,008). We have concluded that the practice of swimming and water walking have benefits with differences in the analysed group variables, however, the two activities complemented (swimming and water walking) present improvements much more significant.
- Efeitos da formação e liderança do treinador de desporto adaptado na planificação do treinoPublication . Batista, Marco; Mesquita, Helena; Pires, Pedro Rui Inês; Nunes, Gabriela dos Santos; Santos, Jorge; Ibáñez, Sergio J.Com este estudo pretende-se avaliar os efeitos da formação e liderança do treinador de desporto adaptado na planificação do processo de treino. A amostra constituída por 31 treinadores portugueses, 21 do género masculino e 10 do género feminino, com idades compreendias entre os 23 e os 60 anos. Foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos para a recolha de dados: “Sport Coach Learning Style” (SCLS) sobre o perfil de formação; Sport Coach Decision Style” (SCDS) sobre o estilo de decisão e o “Sport Coach Planning Style” (SCPS) sobre o tipo de planificação do treinador. Concluímos que o estilo de liderança democrático dos treinadores de desporto adaptado portugueses não se revelou uma variável mediadora significativa entre a formação académica destes e o estilo de planificação que estes exercem no processo de treino.
- Modalidades deportivas elegidas por los futuros profesores para sus práticasPublication . Petrica, João; Serrano, João; Mesquita, Helena; Santos, JorgePretendíamos saber quais foram as modalidades desportivas escolhidas para a realização das atividades de formação em ensino, se os professores escolhiam para leccionar matérias diferentes das professoras e se as escolhas efectuadas para as aulas de interior eram diferentes das aulas de exterior. Para tal foram observadas sessenta lições de microensino leccionadas por estudantes de Educação Física, sobre um tema em que se sentissem mais à vontade e no local por que optassem. Verificámos que, na sua maioria, escolhem a ginástica como matéria, conteúdo, ou tema da lição e, por isso, preferem leccionar as suas aulas no interior, isto é, numa instalação desportiva coberta, e os restantes optam pelos desportos colectivos, sensivelmente na mesma proporção para cada uma das modalidades andebol, basquetebol, futebol ou voleibol, e são muito poucos os que escolhem o atletismo para praticarem as suas habilidades, competências ou destrezas de ensino.
- Proposta de avaliação para a área de gerontomotricidadePublication . Alves, Nuno; Petrica, João; Santos, JorgeO presente artigo tem como objetivo verificar qual a capacidade funcional e a composição corporal (IMC) da população idosa, alunos de uma turma de ginástica sénior antes de iniciar um programa de atividade física con- trolado com a duração de 10 meses. Para a realização deste estudo utili- zar-se-á uma amostra formada por um grupo de 12 idosos, praticantes de ginástica Sénior, da povoação Sobral Fernando, do Concelho de Proença-a- Nova, com idades compreendidas entre os 60 e os 85 anos. Será aplicada a bateria de testes de Rikli e Jones (2001) a todos os idosos no início do programa. O tratamento dos dados obtidos, será feito através do progra- ma estatístico Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Esperamos verificar com o nosso estudo, que a condição física dos participantes estaraá dentro dos padrões da sua idade, sendo que, depois na segunda avaliação no fim do programa, essas capacidades possam, eventualmente, manter- se e melhorar.
- The educative role of judo for children in first- cycle primary school: Parents' opinion based on focus groupPublication . Aroni, André Luis; Machado, Afonso; Gomes, António Rui; Honório, Samuel; Santos, Jorge; Batista, MarcoThe recognition of pedagogy and method of Judo was made effective by UNESCO, as a world-wide sport utility in the development of the human being and, as an activity whose spectrum of approach in children's age ranges is quite broad, exerts a preponderant function in the global development of its practitioners, allowing them to transfer the sport context to their specific socio-cultural context. The objective of this study was to relate the practice of Judo in the development of self-concept, self-esteem and academic performance in children’s first-cycle primary school. The study group included 8 parents in charge of education, aged 33- 45 (M = 39.75 SD = 4.33), 6 female and 2 males, 4 had a bachelor's degree, 2 had an undergraduate degree and two had the 12th grade. According to these parents, the practice of Judo is very much linked to the development of self-concept, emphasizing through the promotion of social acceptance, compliance with rules and responsibility or balanced behaviour. It is also linked to the development of self-esteem, insofar as it is an activity that promotes self-confidence. It also exerts an important influence on school performance, since it promotes concentration. It is also emphasized that in the parents' opinion, the inclusion of Judo in the Physical Education curricular programme would bring several benefits for the integral conception of the child as a citizen.
- Efeitos de um programa de ginástica sénior na capacidade funcional em idosos institucionalizados no concelho de MaçãoPublication . Mendes, Marcelo Cândido; Santos, Jorge; Petrica, JoãoEl envejecimiento ha sido caracterizado por una pérdida progresiva de las capacidades fisiológicas, llevando a una mayor vulnerabilidad en el desarrollo de patologías (Araújo et al., 2015). En Portugal, datos que verifiquen niveles de AF o funcionalidad, de la población anciana, y que (nuestro objetivo es estudiar los efectos de un programa de Gimnasia Senior, con la duración de 12 semanas, en la capacidad funcional de los ancianos en el municipio de Mação después de la aplicación parcial de la batería de pruebas Senior Fitness Test (SFT) verificando si, en el post-test del IMC y de la flexión del Antebrazo existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas. El estudio presenta carácter experimental, analítico y longitudinal. La muestra (por conveniencia) constituida por 23 ancianos institucionalizados a frecuentar el Hogar de Ancianos de la Santa Casa de la Misericordia de Mación. Después de la selección de la muestra y después de la aplicación de la batería de pruebas de Rikli & Jones, los sujetos fueron divididos en 2 grupos grupo de control (GC): 10 ancianos que no participaron en el programa de gimnasia senior, continuando manteniendo estilos de vida más sedentarios presentando un promedio de edades de 79,6 ± 6,45 años; grupo experimental (GE): 13 ancianos que participaron en el programa de Gimnasia Senior de 12 semanas presentando una media de edad de 87,15 ± 6,09 años. La muestra presenta en el GC 3 hombres y 7 mujeres. Ya en el GE presenta 3 hombres y 10 mujeres. Los principales resultados de nuestro estudio muestran que el IMC en el GE es superior presentando una media de 28,61 ± 2,57 en comparación con el IMC del GC que presenta una media de 27,71 ± 4,8. Se observa que el IMC dentro del GE es mayor en el género masculino. En cuanto al IMC del GC el mayor es en el género femenino presentando 27,87. En cuanto a la prueba de flexión del antebrazo, la media del GE es bastante superior a la del GC, presentando 13 ± 4,36 contra 7,1 ± 2,42. También podemos ver que el género masculino del GE fue el que realizó más ejecuciones cerca de 15,33, contrastando con el género masculino del GC que fue el que realizó el menor número de ejecuciones, 6,67. Para la verificación de las diferencias estadísticamente significativas se aplicó la prueba t student. Se verificó entonces que tanto en la prueba del IMC como en la prueba de la Flexión del antebrazo los valores obtenidos fueron todos inferiores a 0,05, existiendo entonces diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Se observa que en los GC y GE a normalidad de muestra de la prueba de flexión del antebrazo los valores son aproximados, 0, 89 para el GC y 0,79 para el GE. En el IMC se verifica que los valores son bastantes diferenciados, siendo el GC 0,84 y el GE apenas 0,25. Como conclusión, en este estudio las pruebas IMC y flexión del antebrazo presentaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas, o bien ha comprobado que, además de que las personas mayores han mejorado su capacidad funcional, estas mejoras se lograron mediante la aplicación del programa de gimnasia
- Motivação para a prática do hóquei em patins : estudo comparativo entre escalõesPublication . Honório, Samuel; Santos, Jorge; Serrano, João; Mesquita, Helena; Batista, MarcoPretende-se com este trabalho avaliar a motivação de atletas para a prática do Hóquei em Patins em função do escalão etário. Participaram 179 atletas de hóquei em patins: 35 do escalão de infantis, 34 dos iniciados, 24 dos juvenis, 31 dos juniores e 57 dos seniores. Pretendeu-se avaliar quais os pressupostos que motivam estes atletas para a prática do hóquei em patins. Para o efeito aplicou-se o Questionário de Motivação para as Atividades Desportivas (QMAD). Verificaram-se níveis de motivação bastante satisfatórios, com médias superiores a 3. O maior índice de motivação centra-se no “Trabalho em Equipa” e em termos de “Influência Extrinseca” e “Aprendizagem Técnica” estas decrescem tendencialmente à medida que o escalão etário aumenta.
- Psychometric validation of Atest-EF and attention profile of students during physical education classesPublication . Santos, Jorge; Petrica, João; Serrano, João; Batista, Marco; Honório, Samuel; Maia, LuisThe present study aimed for the adaptation and validation of the Questionnaire Atest-EF, with the use of a confirmatory factorial analysis (CFA) of the measurement model, applied to students of the 3rd cycle of Basic Education. A total of 156 students of both genders, aged between 12 and 16 years (M = 14.7 ± SD = 1.3) were included in the study, with 84 female and 71 males, from the 7th, 8th and 9th grade. The main results reveal that the psychometric qualities confirm the adequacy of this model, demonstrating that the Atest-EF factorial structure: 1 factor/4 items, has very acceptable indexes of Atest - EF validity: (χ2 = 6.141, p = .000, χ2/gl = 3.07, NFI = 0.90 CFI = .925, IFI = .930, MFI = .9997, GFI = .995, AGFI = .975, RMR = .042, RMSEA = .08, SRMR = .028). With these results, the structural model reveals a satisfactory factorial assessment. This led to conclude that the Portuguese version of Atest-EF can be used, with high confidence in the evaluation of the student’s attention profiles in Physical Education classes. Compared with the moments of the class, there were only significant differences in students’ attention in the approach to sports in the first and fourth moments of the class, as well as in the general profile of attention, with significantly higher values in the approach to team sports.
- Aquatic influence on mobility of a child with duchenne muscular dystrophy : case studyPublication . Honório, Samuel; Batista, Marco; Paulo, Rui; Duarte-Mendes, Pedro; Santos, Jorge; Serrano, João; Petrica, João; Mesquita, Helena; Faustino, António; Martins, JúlioThe study was initiated because one of the authors had a child in the family with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). The author was concerned about what could be done to improve the quality of life of this child. The hypotheses explored whether hydrotherapy could bring any relief or advantage in functional mobility to an individual with DMD and whether a water environment facilitates mobility, pleasure, and joy for a young child with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Our sample had three individuals, all of them boys, 9-11 years of age. Two were the control group and didn’t practice any kind of physical activity and the other one was our two-year longitudinal case study during which he experienced hydrotherapy practice two times a week for forty-five minutes each. We applied the Egen Klassifikation (EK) scale to quantify the degree of movement limitation present at each of five measurement points over the two years. The variables analyzed were the physical activity issues and the EK scale values. The descriptive results showed that all three individuals increased their EK scale values over time, showing the inevitable progression of the disease. The individual who participated in the water activity sessions had the slower increase that we inferred, meant less deterioration in functional movement. No inferences can be drawn from these limited data, especially because only one individual experienced the water activities. This study does provide the impetus for subsequent, larger controlled studies to see if they could replicate these initial case study results.
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