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A insuficiência venosa é das doenças venosas crónicas com maior
prevalência a nível mundial com importantes consequências socioeconómicas.
Assim, foi realizado um trabalho cujo objetivo foi avaliar a relação entre a
presença de sinais e sintomas de insuficiência venosa e o tipo de posição
postural durante a atividade profissional da amostra. Foi realizado um estudo
observacional analítico transversal realizado em 76 indivíduos de ambos os
géneros, onde um grupo tem atividade profissional sedentária em posição
sentado (28 indivíduos) e o outro em posição ortostática (46 indivíduos). A
amostra foi recolhida num período de seis meses. Foi aplicado um
questionário, avaliada a presença de fatores de risco e de insuficiência venosa
segundo a classificação Clinical manifestations, Etiologic factors, Anatomic
distribuition of disease, Pathophysiologic findings. Obteve-se uma amostra
com 44 mulheres (58%) e 32 homens (42%) com uma média de idades de
42,26 anos + 9,74. Segundo a classificação referida a insuficiência venosa
está presente em 61,4% mulheres (p=0,001) e a posição ortostática apresenta
uma maior ordenação média na classificação (p=0,005). Assim, concluiu-se
que nesta amostra a atividade profissional sedentária em posição ortostática
contribuiu para um maior desgaste da bomba muscular condicionando mais
facilmente o compromisso hemodinâmico venoso.
ABSTRACT: Venous insufficiency is one of the most prevalent chronic venous diseases worldwide with significant socioeconomic consequences. Thus, a study was carried out aiming to evaluate the relationship between the presence of signs and symptoms of venous insufficiency and the type of postural position during the professional activity of the sample. An observational cross-sectional observational study was performed in 76 individuals of both genders, where one group has sedentary professional activity in a sitting position (28 individuals) and the other in an orthostatic position (46 individuals). The sample was taken over a period of six months. A questionnaire was applied, assessing the presence of risk factors and venous insufficiency according to the Clinical manifestations, Etiologic factors, Anatomic distribuition of disease, Pathophysiologic findings classification. A sample of 44 women (58%) and 32 men (42%) with a mean age of 42.26 years + 9.74 was obtained. According to the classification, venous insufficiency is present in 61.4% women (p = 0.001) and the orthostatic position presents a higher average ranking (p = 0.005). Thus, it was concluded that in this sample sedentary professional activity in an orthostatic position contributed to greater muscle pump wear, thus conditioning venous hemodynamic compromise more easily.
ABSTRACT: Venous insufficiency is one of the most prevalent chronic venous diseases worldwide with significant socioeconomic consequences. Thus, a study was carried out aiming to evaluate the relationship between the presence of signs and symptoms of venous insufficiency and the type of postural position during the professional activity of the sample. An observational cross-sectional observational study was performed in 76 individuals of both genders, where one group has sedentary professional activity in a sitting position (28 individuals) and the other in an orthostatic position (46 individuals). The sample was taken over a period of six months. A questionnaire was applied, assessing the presence of risk factors and venous insufficiency according to the Clinical manifestations, Etiologic factors, Anatomic distribuition of disease, Pathophysiologic findings classification. A sample of 44 women (58%) and 32 men (42%) with a mean age of 42.26 years + 9.74 was obtained. According to the classification, venous insufficiency is present in 61.4% women (p = 0.001) and the orthostatic position presents a higher average ranking (p = 0.005). Thus, it was concluded that in this sample sedentary professional activity in an orthostatic position contributed to greater muscle pump wear, thus conditioning venous hemodynamic compromise more easily.
Fator de risco Insuficiência venosa Membro inferior Modalidades de posição Sedentarismo Risk factor Venous insufficient Lower extremity Position Sedentary behaviour
MATEUS, Sónia; COELHO, Patrícia; RODRIGUES, Francisco (2020) - Atividade profissional como fator de risco para a insuficiência venosa. In SERRANO, J. [et al.] (eds.) - Educação física, saúde e bem-estar : novos caminhos. ISBN 978-989-54814-0-8. p. 138-152.
Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco