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- Predictive Model for Amotivation and Discipline in Physical Education Students Based on Teaching–Learning StylesPublication . Leyton, Marta; Jaime, González-Vélez; Batista, Marco; Jiménez Castuera, RuthOne of the purposes of teachers is to ensure the motivation of the students in their classes and to maintain disciplined behaviours. However, the teaching styles and methodologies used do not always have a positive effect on student’s motivation and discipline. This study analysed the relationship between student’s perceptions of the controlling behaviours of their physical education teacher, together with amotivation and discipline styles from Self-Determination Theory. The sample comprised 922 students, aged between 14 and 18 years (M = 14.95; SD = 0.98). Students’ perceptions of less controlling discipline styles (control of the use of rewards) negatively predicted the thwarting of autonomy need. Conversely, a more controlling discipline style (judging and devaluing) positively predicted the thwarting of autonomy need, and this, positively predicted amotivation, which nega- tively predicted disciplinary behaviours and positively predicted undisciplined behaviours. Teachers must avoid using controlling behaviours like judging and devaluing, as this reinforces amotivation towards physical education and undisciplined student behaviours. The importance of designing classes where the student has responsibilities to make decisions and to be part of their own learning is pointed out.
- Adaptation and validation of the portuguese version of the healthy life styles questionnairePublication . Batista, Marco; Jiménez Castuera, Ruth; Leyton, Marta; Lobato, Susana; Aspano, MariaThe aim of this study was the adaptation and validation of Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire (EVS), of Jimenez Castuera (2004) adapted of Wold (1995), using an exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of the measurement model, with a sample of sports veterans. In the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis part 684 Portuguese veteran athletes of both genders, aged between 30 and 90 years (M=43.78 SD=8.61), of which 547 male subjects and 137 subjects were female, which are competitors of various sports. The main results showed that the psychometric qualities of both the exploratory factor analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis, proved the adequacy of adaptation performed, demonstrating that the factor structure (Adaptation to Sports Questionnaire EVS: 3 factors/20 items) It has quite acceptable levels of validity (?2 = 172.117, df=41, p = .000, ?2/g.l. = 4.190, CFI = .966, IFI = .966, MFI = .909, GFI = .955, AGFI = .927, RMR = .049, SRMR = .043, RMSEA = .068), with reasonable levels of internal consistency of the three primary factors (eating habits =.80; tobacco consumption =.91; resting habits =.84). This led us to conclude that the adaptation to the Sports of the Portuguese version of the EVS can be used with high confidence in the assessment of healthy lifestyles in the sports context.
- Transcontextual model application in the prediction of veteran judo athletes’ life satisfactionPublication . Batista, Marco; Jiménez Castuera, Ruth; Leyton, Marta; Lobato, Susana; Aspano, MariaBackground and Study Aim: Despite recognised benefits of regular physical activity for health, the percentage of individuals linking with a physical activity practice sufficient to confer health benefits is low. The aim of current work is knowledge about effects of an extension of the motivation trans-contextual model application, specifically in the prediction of life satisfaction by veteran judo athletes. Material and Methods: It was used a sample of 99 Portuguese veteran judo athletes of both genders, aged between 30 and 76 years (M = 42.61 ±9.75), where through questionnaires were measured: basic psychological needs satisfaction, motivation, planned behaviour variables and life satisfaction. Results: The structural equations model showed that autonomy perception positively and significantly predicts autonomous motivation. In its turn it positively and significantly predicts intentions. Conclusions: Life satisfaction is positively and significantly predicted by intentions. Results authorise to emphasise the importance of fostering autonomy, since this will favour autonomous motivation, promoting a higher behavioural control over the practitioners’ intentions, thus generating a higher life satisfaction.
- Differences between gender and population groups, motivational variables and healthy lifestylesPublication . Leyton, Marta; Batista, Marco; Jiménez Castuera, RuthThe objective of our study was to analyse the difference between genders in the population groups under and over 40 years old, in relation to healthy lifestyles variables such as the intention to be physically active, balanced diet, tobacco, rest, as well as motivational variables related to the practice of physical activity. The sample consisted of 858 subjects, aged between 18 and 77 years old (41.62 ± 13.30). The instruments used for collection data were the Behavioural Regulation Exercise Questionnaire, for the Intrinsic Motivation measurement, the Intentionality to be Physically Active Measurement Scale, for the intention of future practice measurement, and the Healthy Lifestyles Questionnaire, for the tobacco consumption, rest, balanced diet and respect to the meal schedule variables measurement. The results determined that men have more intention to be physically active, higher more self-determined motivation and greater balanced diet, than women, both in the group under 40 years, and in the group over 40 years It was concluded that men have higher means in variables related to lifestyle, in relation to women.
- Modelo de predicción de los estilos de vida saludables a través de la teoría de la autodeterminación de estudiantes de educación físicaPublication . Leyton, Marta; Batista, Marco; Jiménez Castuera, RuthnEl objetivo principal de este estudio es analizar la predicción que los procesos motivacionales tienen enla adopción de hábitos de estilos de vida que realzan la salud en adolescentes, en las clases de EducaciónFísica. La muestra se compone por 214 estudiantes de Ense ̃nanza Secundaria en Portugal, entre los 15y 19 a ̃nos (M = 16.46, DT = .96), de ambos sexos (104 chicos y 110 chicas). Se administran los siguientescuestionarios: Escala del Locus Percibido de Causalidad en Educación Física, Escala de medición de lasnecesidades psicológicas básicas, el Cuestionario de Estilos de Vida Saludables y la Escala de Medida de laIntencionalidad para ser Físicamente Activo. Se utiliza un análisis de ecuaciones estructurales, y se mues-tra que la satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas básicas predice la motivación intrínseca, y esta a suvez predice las variables relacionadas con los estilos de vida que realzan la salud, ambas predicciones deforma positiva y significativa. Se destaca la relevancia de desarrollar la motivación más autodeterminadaa través de la satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas básicas en las clases de Educación Física parafomentar estilos de vida saludables en el alumnado.
- Validation of the Intentionality Scale of being physically active in a Portuguese populationPublication . Jiménez Castuera, Ruth; Leyton, Marta; Batista, MarcoThe objective of our study was to validate the Intention to be physically active Scale to the Portuguese context, afterwards, to provide the questionnaire with concurrent validity through a correlation analysis between the variables of the levels of self-determined motivation and the intention to be physically active. The sample consisted of 308 subjects, aged between 15 and 29 years old (17.81±2.53). Five items evaluated the factor "Intention to be physically active". The overall results of the model indicated an optimal fit, as well as good concurrent validity. This study provided a valid and reliable scale to assess the intention to be physically active of the Portuguese population. The application of this scale is considered extremely useful especially in students.
- Relationship of intrinsic motivation towards sport, with variables related to a healthy lifestyle.Publication . Leyton, Marta; Batista, Marco; Jiménez Castuera, RuthThis study‘s objective was to determine which lifestyle variables have a direct relationship with motivation towards the practice of physical activity. There was a sample of 858 subjects, aged between 18 and 77 years (41.62 ± 13.30), from different parts of Spain. The instruments used for data collection were the Behavioural Regulation Exercise Questionnaire, for Intrinsic Motivation measurement; the Intentionality to be Physically Active Measurement Scale, for the intention of future practice measurement; and the Healthy Lifestyles Questionnaire, for tobacco consumption, rest, balanced diet and respect for meal schedule variables measurement. The results determined that the Intention to be Physically Active variable was significant as a predictor of Intrinsic Motivation towards sport whereas the variables Rest Habits, Tobacco Consumption, Balanced Diet and Respect for Meals Schedule were not significant. The importance of promoting strategies for increasing intrinsic motivation is emphasized.