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- Industry 4.0 and telecollaboration to promote cooperation networks: a pilot survey in the portuguese region of Castelo BrancoPublication . Régio, Mónica; Gaspar, Marcelo; Farinha, Luís; Morgado, MargaridaAccording to the World Economic Forum, the Fourth Industrial Revolution – also known as Industry 4.0 – is expected to take place before 2020, fostering significant changes in the way people think, live and work. Impending changes will have great impact on people and businesses. Growing digital interconnectivity will promote new business contexts, fostering communication beyond geographical borders and preventing physical constraints. Technological developments will also cause social and economic concerns, since they can create mass unemployment, inequality or talent shortages. In response to these foreseen working modifications, workers must be prepared to communicate digitally in a common language, known as lingua franca, usually English for global digital communications. In such context, local, regional and global communication is normally conducted through digital environments. Thus, as telecollaboration relates to the engagement of geographically dispersed learners in online intercultural exchanges using ICT (information and communications technologies), the potential of such collaborative methodology appears to be particularly promising for the forthcoming Industry 4.0 context, in which over one-third of skills that are considered important in today’s workforce will have changed. In order to assess the potential of such collaborative ICT-based learning methodologies to promote digital cooperation networks amongst companies and enterprises, a pilot survey focused on telecollaboration was carried-out in the Portuguese region of Castelo Branco. Preliminary results allowed discussing the advantages of combining such learning methodologies with the digital interconnectivity related to the Industry 4.0 context to develop new strategic avenues of cooperation between regional, national and international actors.
- Parcerias estratégicas com a EuropaPublication . Morgado, MargaridaUm dos desafios da pós-modernidade para o ensino superior politécnico, face aos ambientes académicos plurilingues e em rápida e acelerada transformação, é o trabalho em rede com as comunidades locais/regionais e simultaneamente com a academia internacional. O financiamento europeu tem promovido a constituição de parcerias estratégicas em educação que interligam organizações de diversos tipos, tamanhos, vocação e áreas de especialização aos seus contextos específicos e ao contexto europeu. O seu objetivo é divulgar experiências educativas de qualidade a partir de recursos gratuitos e aplicar a inovação a um número de contextos cada vez mais alargados: formação de profissionais, investigação; atualização cultural, científica e técnica; e prestação de serviços.
- The co-construction of a bilingual glossary of terms for engineering design technologies as part of learning in engineering trough a collaborative CLIL approachPublication . Gaspar, Marcelo; Régio, Mónica; Morgado, MargaridaThis case study refers to the collaborative work of pre-engineering and engineering students, supported by their content and English for Specific Purposes (ESP) teachers, on the development of a full semester assignment focusing on the design and construction of a dedicated glossary of terms. Based on a student-centered Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach, intermediate tasks were proposed to the students to construct their own personal glossary about the subject. As a result of the combined effort of all actors, a full class bilingual glossary of terms was obtained for engineering design technologies as part of learning in engineering through a collaborative CLIL approach.
- Intercultural communicative skills in the training of industrial engineers: a case-study on students' perceptionsPublication . Gaspar, Marcelo; Régio, Mónica; Morgado, MargaridaIn order to understand the intercultural awareness development of engineering students, which is necessary for them to fully function in globalized educational and professional work contexts, a dedicated project was carried-out with Industrial Engineering students in a Higher Education Portuguese Polytechnic Institute during three successive academic years in the framework of an adjunct CLIL pilot experiment. Students’ perceptions were collected and assessed in order to tackle two main research questions: “Do students feel they have more opportunities for global employment or globally networked collaborative innovation?” and “What were the difficulties experienced because of the CLIL methodological approach?”. Preliminary findings point out that even though students feel that competence in English is important (or very important) concerning their work as engineers, the majority states not being proficient in that language. Students also refer that the CLIL approach allowed them to develop collaborative work with other colleagues and helped them understand better their own personal language learning needs, thus contributing to facilitate their communication in a foreign language.
- Literatura infantil e interculturalidade : “preparar os leitores para a vida”Publication . Morgado, MargaridaUtilizando uma proposta de Zygmunt Bauman sobre o que deve ser a educação em sociedades multiculturais – preparar para a vida –, no contexto de grande ambiguidade de sentidos, valores e pontos de vista plurais, de incerteza e ansiedade, o artigo apresenta um conjunto de reflexões sobre a utilização da literatura infantil para a promoção da educação intercultural. Defende que a literatura infantil deve ser entendida no contexto histórico e sociocultural em que é produzida e lida e ser usada para compreender as relações de poder associadas a qualquer representação. Apresenta reflexões de autores, como Mingshui Cai, sobre a utilização de ‘literatura multicultural’ para representar as sociedades actuais, as suas tónicas, modos preferidos de representação, bem como implicações e limites. Por último, salienta-se o modelo de ‘leitura (muticultural) crítica’ proposto por diversos autores e, em particular Botelho e Rudman, como prática de promoção da interculturalidade a partir da literatura infantil.
- Desvanecendo as fronteiras culturais : telecolaboração internacional no ensino superiorPublication . Gómez Garcia, Luis Vicente; Morgado, Margarida; González Plasencia, YerayEste trabalho mostra uma proposta para desenvolver a Competência Comunicativa Intercultural em estudantes de línguas estrangeiras do ensino superior. No âmbito do projeto europeu ICCAGE, implementou-se um módulo, simultaneamente no Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco e na Universidade de Salamanca, cujo objetivo é colocar o aluno como mediador intercultural diante de um incidente crítico. Este módulo é estruturado em quatro fases, que vão desde a observação e reflexão até à atuação e mediação. Nestas fases, as atividades telecolaborativas e a resolução de conflitos são particularmente relevantes.
- Educational software in english to the awareness in a preschool education supervised contextPublication . Reis, Patrícia Alexandra Gameiro dos; Gil, Henrique; Morgado, MargaridaInformation and communication technologies play an increasingly important role in society, in the sense that all areas and professions make use of digital resources. The school can not be brushed off this reality, aim to create full subjects and integrated in society today. Educational software can be used very early in the education of children, but they must be carefully and monitoring. This article aims to present the results of the use of educational software in English to the awareness of context with children of pre-school education in kindergarten, nursery center Redemptorist Fathers - The smallest fox in White Castle, a 21 group children under 5 years. Early awareness of foreign language such as English can be started with digital multimedia capabilities and various software available on the market. However, the small study described the case reveals some resistance from parents and educators, in the preparation of these to choose and monitor the use of ICT by children, in addition to also highlight the self-interest of the children involved and their learning a few words in English language in different contexts of daily worked. The study opens perspectives on close monitoring needs of such uses and training of educators in the field of use of resources multilingual awareness in pre-school education.
- Content, language and intercultural challenges in engineering education: (E-)strategies to improve instructional designPublication . Morgado, Margarida; Régio, Mónica; Gaspar, MarceloIntercultural, multilingual and culturally and academically diverse classrooms are a common reality in current higher education (HE) landscapes, as globalisation is effectively taking place in all major schools. Rethinking instructional design strategies that contribute to the overcoming of communication and cultural differences in both online and blended learning processes may help not only improve the development of more efficient online learning environments but also meet the challenges of current teaching and learning processes. Special focus will be put into engineering education through the medium of English and the training of engineering lecturers in HE through communities of practice (CoPs), which present, integrate and discuss how to integrate content and language (through what is known as the content and language integrated learning (CLIL) approach) as well as trends, challenges and opportunities related to recent technological developments on students’ learning ourcomes. The desciption of the pedagogical training shared through a CoP describes E-strategies to improve instructional design in engineering courses in online learning environments when English is used as a medium of instruction and integrated with content in a CLIL approach.
- Educação e mediação social com álbuns ilustrados: IDPBCPublication . Morgado, MargaridaA diversidade cultural constitui o mais premente desafio que se coloca às sociedades contemporâneas, cada vez mais conectadas, mas também mais intolerantes e palcos de conflitos, e por essa razão, também, mais atentas à defesa dos direitos humanos e da dignidade humana. Num tempo em que as desigualdades sociais se acentuam e as mudanças se sucedem a um ritmo vertiginoso, valorizar a diversidade cultural como uma das caraterísticas inevitáveis do viver do presente e no futuro implica dotar os cidadãos das competências e capacidades necessárias para o diálogo intercultural e para a compreensão mútua, para a aprendizagem constante e o envolvimento cívico no sentido de promover a justiça, a equidade social e a solidariedade à escala global.
- Recepcionista de hotel en lengua española : estudio de caso sobre necesidades de formaciónPublication . Gómez García, Luis Vicente; Morgado, Margarida; Ascensão, IdalinaEncuadrado tanto dentro del proyecto financiado por el programa Erasmus+ de la UE, ICCAGE – Intercultural Communicative Competences: An Advantage for Global Employability (2105-1-CZ01-KA203-013992), que pretende incrementar la competencia comunicativa intercultural de los estudiantes de enseñanza superior de Portugal, España, Hungría y la República Checa, para así hacer frente a los elevados niveles de paro juvenil existentes en estos cuatro países europeos, como en el programa de mejora de la formación de alumnos en la licenciatura de Secretariado de la Escuela Superior de Educación del Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, surge el presente estudio de caso. El objetivo central del mismo es identificar qué competencias comunicativas interculturales, específicas del turismo de hospitalidad, necesitan incorporar y activar los recepcionistas de hotel portugueses a la hora de actuar eficazmente en sus encuentros de servicio con clientes hispanohablantes provenientes de España. En este artículo exponemos el análisis teórico que fundamenta este estudio de caso, describimos el diseño metodológico adoptado, así como el trabajo de campo que llevaremos a cabo en esta investigación, y, 1 Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco / Escola Superior de Educação lgomes@ipcb.pt; marg.morgado@ipcb.pt; imatos@ipcbcampus.pt Idalina Ascensão - Alumna del tercer curso de la licenciatura en Secretariado de la Escuela Superior de Educación del Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco. Práxis e Inovação em Secretariado por último, adelantamos qué tratamiento daremos a los resultados obtenidos.