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- The use of technology in the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy: Trends and open issuesPublication . Fernandes, J.; Gaspar, Pedro Dinis; Menino, Eva; Caldeira, J.M.L.P.; Soares, V.N.G.J.Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological diseases in the world, affecting millions of people. The impact of this disease goes beyond seizures. It has repercussions on the individual’s health and quality of life (i.e., neurological, psychological, and physical consequences) and social inclusion. This article presents a review of the literature and discusses the technological and scientific advances in the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy. It begins by introducing the related concepts, then analyzes the different technological approaches, exposing their strengths and limitations, and concludes by identifying challenges and open problems for future research.
- Protótipo de solução de deteção e dispersão de aves para proteção de colheitasPublication . Lourenço, Leonardo G.P.S.; Micaelo, Eduardo B.; Gaspar, Pedro Dinis; Caldeira, J.M.L.P.; Soares, Vasco N.G.J.Os animais são uma das pragas que constituem uma ameaça para a produtividade das culturas destinadas ao consumo humano. As perdas de colheitas causadas por aves representam um desafio sério e dispendioso para os agricultores. O trabalho apresentado neste artigo parte de um estudo prévio dos mesmos autores que concluiu sobre a ineficiência das técnicas dissuasoras comumente utilizadas para dispersão de aves nas colheitas. Assim, num contexto de agricultura inteligente, propõe o uso de drones, inteligência artificial, sensores e IoT, para tentar resolver este problema. Apresenta uma proposta de arquitetura e descreve o processo de implementação de um protótipo, incluindo os seus componentes de hardware e software. Descreve um conjunto de testes realizados para validação do conceito e identifica pontos de trabalho em aberto.
- The development of a prototype solution for detecting wear and tear in pedestrian crossingsPublication . Rosa, Gonçalo J.M.; Afonso, João M.S.; Gaspar, Pedro Dinis; Soares, Vasco N.G.J.; Caldeira, J.M.L.P.Crosswalks play a fundamental role in road safety. However, over time, many suffer wear and tear that makes them difficult to see. This project presents a solution based on the use of computer vision techniques for identifying and classifying the level of wear on crosswalks. The proposed system uses a convolutional neural network (CNN) to analyze images of crosswalks, determining their wear status. The design includes a prototype system mounted on a vehicle, equipped with cameras and processing units to collect and analyze data in real time as the vehicle traverses traffic routes. The collected data are then transmitted to a web application for further analysis and reporting. The prototype was validated through extensive tests in a real urban environment, comparing its assessments with manual inspections conducted by experts. Results from these tests showed that the system could accurately classify crosswalk wear with a high degree of accuracy, demonstrating its potential for aiding maintenance authorities in efficiently prioritizing interventions.
- Desenho e implementação de protótipo para deteção de contentores de resíduos em cidades inteligentesPublication . Valente, Miguel; Silva, Hélio; Caldeira, J.M.L.P.; Soares, V.N.G.J.; Gaspar, Pedro DinisEste trabalho apresenta o desenho e implementação de um protótipo funcional para avaliar e validar a utilização de técnicas de visão computacional, na identificação de contentores de resíduos no contexto de uma cidade inteli- gente. Este protótipo recorre à utilização de uma rede neuronal convolucional YOLO e de um microcomputador Jetson Nano da Nvidia. Comparativamente ao método atual de identificação de contentores de resíduos por radiofrequência, esta abordagem é mais ágil e diminui os recursos necessários para implementa- ção, contribuindo para poupar nos gastos logísticos e de implementação da gestão inteligente de resíduos.
- Road pavement damage detection using computer vision techniques: Approaches, challenges and opportunitiesPublication . Gonçalves, Miguel; Marques, Tomás; Gaspar, Pedro Dinis; Soares, V.N.G.J.; Caldeira, J.M.L.P.Este artigo apresenta uma visão geral e os resultados de uma investigação preliminar que visa a utilização de técnicas de visão computacional para deteção de defeitos em pavimentos rodoviários, no contexto de uma cidade inteligente. Primeiro introduz os conceitos relacionados. Em seguida, faz um levantamento do estado da arte e das soluções existentes, apresentando as suas principais características, pontos fortes e limitações. São identificadas as soluções mais promissoras. Para finalizar discute desafios em aberto e direções de investigação nesta área.
- iSensA: a system for collecting and integrating sensor dataPublication . Caldeira, J.M.L.P.; Soares, V.N.G.J.; Gaspar, Pedro Dinis; Rodrigues, Joel; Fontes, Ricardo Manuel Valentim; Silva, José Luís LimaThe idea of monitoring several types of parameters in various environments has been motivating significant research works in Internet of Things (IoT). This paper presents the design and construction of iSensA, a system for integrating and collecting information from sensors. The solution implements a multi-sensor monitoring system and then expands the monitoring concept to an IoT solution, by employing multi-network access, Web services, database and web and mobile applications for user interaction. iSensA system is highly configurable, enabling several monitoring solutions with different types of sensors. Experiments have been performed on real application scenarios to validate and evaluate our proposition.
- MobiSensA: development of a mobile APP for iSensA platformPublication . Silva, José Luís Lima; Fontes, Ricardo Manuel Valentim; Gaspar, Pedro Dinis; Caldeira, J.M.L.P.; Soares, V.N.G.J.iSensA is a smart data acquisition system and Web platform for monitoring and analyzing real-time data of environments and devices in a wide range of areas. The Web platform allows centralized management of facilities, as well as real-time data visualization, historical analysis, alarm configuration and periodic reporting. To facilitate facility monitoring and event notification (anomalies and alerts), there is a need to develop an Android mobile application for the iSensA product, whose development process is presented in this paper.
- A novel mHealth approach for the monitoring and assisted therapeutics of obstructive sleep apneaPublication . Rebelo, José; Gaspar, Pedro Dinis; Soares, V.N.G.J.; Caldeira, J.M.L.P.Obstructive sleep apnea is a respiratory problem that has serious consequences for physical and mental health, but also in monetary terms, since traffic accidents and poor work performance, among other direct consequences, are attributed to it. It is estimated that between 9% and 38% of the world’s population has this disease. This is a multifactorial disease, therefore, there are several methods of detection and treatment; however, all of them cause discomfort to the patient, or to those around them. In this article we propose a system for the detection and control of obstructive sleep apnea that promises to overcome the drawbacks of the existing therapies, therefore, potentially making it a practical and effective solution for this disease. The proof of concept presented in this paper makes use of an electromyography sensor to collect the myoelectric signal produced by the genioglossus muscle. Surface electrodes provide the electromyography signals to an ESP32 microcontroller, which has the function of analyzing and comparing the data obtained with a predefined value of the apnea threshold. After the detection of an apnea, the circuit is able to create a stimulus signal that is applied directly to the muscle, so that airway occlusion does not occur, and the user does not wake up. The data from each use are automatically sent to a database to be viewed and analyzed at a later point.
- Técnicas de visão computacional para a deteção de contentores de resíduosPublication . Valente, Miguel; Silva, Hélio; Caldeira, J.M.L.P.; Soares, V.N.G.J.; Gaspar, Pedro D.O trabalho apresentado neste artigo resulta de uma investigação preliminar que visa a utilização de técnicas de visão computacional para substituir o método atual de identificação de contentores de resíduos via identificação por radiofrequência. Comparativamente ao método atual, esta abordagem é mais ágil e diminui os recursos necessários para implementação. A abordagem aqui discutida é centrada no uso de redes neuronais convolucionais, especificamente a rede YOLO. Utilizando este método de identificação foi atingido uma precisão de deteção e classificação de 92% dos contentores de resíduos.
- Livestock monitoring prototype implementation and validationPublication . Aleluia, Vitor M.T.; Soares, V.N.G.J.; Caldeira, J.M.L.P.; Gaspar, Pedro DinisThis paper presents the proposal, implementation and validation of a low cost fault-tolerant functional prototype for livestock monitoring. This prototype uses IoT devices, ESP8266 and ESP32, creating a mesh network, managed by the painlessMesh library, with WiFi and LoRa technologies. It allows, for instance, the collection of vital signs from animals. In comparison with the traditional method of livestock examination, this cost-efficient approach reduces manual labor and saves working time. It also improves animal health, increases profits and decreases the environmental footprint.