ESGIN - Livros ou capítulos de livros
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- Carta arqueológica da freguesia de Idanha-a-VelhaPublication . Batista, JoaquimInventário dos bens arqueológicos e históricos da freguesia de Idanha-a-Velha, assinalando-os em Cartas Geográficas recomendadas, fazendo uma breve descrição dos mesmos e divulgando a extensa bibliografia que existe sobre esta aldeia histórica.
- Casos práticos de direito do trabalho: casos práticos resolvidosPublication . Falcão, David; Santos, Susana Ferreira dosCasos práticos resolvidos de Direito do Trabalho.
- Competitor orientation, pricing strategy, and business performancePublication . Sampaio, Carlos; Rodrigues, Ricardo Gouveia; Hernández-Mogollón, José ManuelThis study proposes to study the nature of the relationship between competitor orientation, a strategy based on low prices and hotel business performance, and to test if a low-price strategy plays a mediating role in the relationship between competitor orientation and business performance. A structural equation modeling approach is used, and a sample from the Italian hotel industry was used to evaluate the proposed hypotheses. Results show that competitor orientation is positively related to business performance and a strategy based on low prices. Furthermore, it is found that a low-price strategy has adverse effects on business performance. Additionally, the mediating role of the low-price strategy was not confirmed.
- Exploring entrepreneurial ecosystemsPublication . Lopes, João; Farinha, Luís; Ferreira, João J.Entrepreneurial ecosystems are now central to the economic policies of nations, with particular relevance in Europe. This chapter intends to explore the evolution of the studies on innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems in order to identify gaps and new perspectives of research that can serve as a reflection to universities, political decisions, and the business fabric. Extensive research was conducted using the Web of Science database. Six clusters were found in the literature on entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystems: ecosystems of innovation, entrepreneurship, region, new ventures, technology, and entrepreneurial university. New theoretical perspectives based on bibliometric analysis and new research paths have been identified.
- Fair value accounting: a systematic literature reviewPublication . Sampaio, CarlosThis study aims to analyse the present state of fair value accounting research. A search on the Web of Science database was conducted. Article type documents containing “fair value” and “accounting” in the title were searched, and results returned 34 documents. A systematic literature approach was used to evaluate the articles. Results indicate that the banking sector is the main source of data for fair value accounting research. On the other hand, the adoption of fair value accounting seems to produce different results according to the type of industry sample used, the temporal context of the study, financial turmoil, or the evaluated assets and liabilities.
- Flipping the best journals in accounting, business and finance: what fruits do we collect?Publication . Farinha, Luís; Cruz, Ana; Sebastião, Joãohe literature on accounting, business, and finance, as a sub-area of the sciences of administration and management, has been receiving strong attention from researchers since the 1950s. This study´s main goal is to evaluate the nature and course of development of the literature on these research areas. A bibliometric analysis on the top journals published on the Web of Science and on the Scopus databases is conducted. Results synthesize the conceptual framework related to this area of science, identifying the roots of its intellectual structure, which give life to the respective tree of knowledge. New paths for future research are outlined.
- Flipping the best journals in accounting, business, and finance: what fruits do we collect?Publication . Farinha, Luís; Sebastião, João Renato; Sampaio, Carlos; Régio, MónicaThe literature on accounting, business, and finance, as a sub-area of the sciences of administration and management, has been receiving strong attention from researchers since the 1950s. This study ́s main goal is to evaluate the nature and course of development of the literature on these research areas. A bibliometric analysis on the top journals published on the Web of Science and on the Scopus databases is conducted. Results synthesize the conceptual framework related to this area of science, identifying the roots of its intellectual structure, which give life to the respective tree of knowledge. New paths for future research are outlined.
- Following the footprints of SME competitiveness in a high-technology sectorPublication . Farinha, Luís; Bagchi-Sen, SharmisthaThis chapter examines the competitiveness footprints of SMEs within a high-tech cluster. A mixed methodology combining quantitative and qualitative data is used. More specifically, a case study is offered to show trends in innovative and entrepreneurial collaboration associated with an internationally competitive high-tech cluster. The findings shed light on the importance of collective efficiency strategies, with a focus on RD&I, implemented by SMEs that operate in an international and competitive market. This chapter highlights the lessons learned in two specific aspects: the role of innovation in the competitiveness of SMEs and the role of innovation and entrepreneurship networks in enhancing the functions of a high-technology industrial cluster, the Portuguese Engineering and Tooling Cluster.
- Knowledge and Technology Transfer in Tourism SMEsPublication . Lopes, João; Farinha, LuísThis chapter analyzes the dynamics underlying the mechanisms of transfer of knowledge and technology between academia and the tourism industry. Two interviews and research were applied to managers of SMEs. SMEs consider highly educated employees central to the knowledge transfer process, but do not give any incentive to their employees to graduate. It is not always possible to recruit young talents from higher education, as they prefer to go to work for large metropolises. The main barriers for collaboration in R&D academia-industry in the tourism sector are the cost, lack of interest on the part of higher education institutions, and the bureaucratic and time-consuming process. Regarding networking, SMEs agree that they create value, but also consider incorporating a regional innovation ecosystem. SMEs should use a competitive differentiation strategy.
- La orientación al mercado en la industria hotelera. Desarrollo de una nueva escala y efectos en el desempeño empresarial en un estudio cross culturalPublication . Sampaio, CarlosO setor do turismo representa uma grande contribuição no produto interno de muitos países. De igual modo, o subsetor da indústria hoteleira contribui decisivamente para o crescimento e desenvolvimento económico. A orientação para o mercado é uma área do conhecimento que sofreu grandes desenvolvimentos, essencialmente a partir do início da década de 1990, contribuindo para colocar o cliente no centro da atividade das empresas. Apesar dos avanços verificados no estudo da orientação para o mercado não se conhecem estudos de carácter internacional que abranjam este setor. De igual modo, os instrumentos de medida da orientação para o mercado desenvolvidos até hoje têm por base essencialmente o setor industrial e do comércio. Esta investigação procura essencialmente desenvolver um novo modelo de medida da orientação para o mercado e estudar os efeitos da orientação para o mercado no desempenho de empresas do setor hoteleiro em contexto internacional. Para tal, recorreu-se a uma amostra composta por empresas de países da Europa Ocidental para testar os efeitos da orientação para o mercado no desempenho empresarial e avaliar os efeitos da orientação para o mercado nas várias variáveis do modelo. Comparativamente a uma escala de medida da orientação para o mercado desenvolvida anteriormente, os resultados indicam que o modelo de medida da orientação para o mercado desenvolvido apresenta melhores características psicométricas. Por outro lado, os resultados do modelo estrutural indicam evidências de um efeito positivo da orientação para o mercado no desempenho empresarial, pelo menos em alguns dos contextos em estudo.
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