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Morgado, Margarida

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  • Criança, fantasia, cidadania
    Publication . Morgado, Margarida
    Cada área disciplinar, cada tempo e cada contexto produzem sentidos para crianças, pelos quais elas aprendem a definir-se e a identificar-se. Contemporaneamente, pode falar-se de uma indústria de cultura global, ou globalizada, dirigida à criança, na qual se incluem livros, música, vídeo, jogos de computador e consolas. Propõe-se, neste âmbito, a análise da ficção de fantasia, materializada em algumas séries de sucesso sob a forma de livro juvenil, e o seu contributo para a construção de noções implícitas ou explícitas de cidadania, que podem ser exploradas como recurso educativo nos 2º e 3º ciclos.
  • Surfing the net : a european survey into children’s use of internet
    Publication . Leysen, Annemie; Encabo, Eduardo; Haller, Karin; Stratieva, Lilia Ratcheva; Morgado, Margarida; Cotton, Penni
    The present survey is one of the results of the EDM Reporter Comenius 3 Network activities. It was organised in 2006/2007 by partners from the 14 countries in the Network: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Finland, France, Poland, Portugal, Romania, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain and the UK. Four questionnaires were developed: one for adults (teachers, librarians, teacher trainers, students) working with children, and three for three age groups of children (8-10, 10-12, 12-14). The survey included schools in large cities, small towns and even smaller villages. About 3500 children and 700 adults working with children were interviewed. Empirical research in schools, libraries, teacher training institutions and universities was carried out for the following reasons: ➤ to discover whether and how teachers, librarians and children use the internet for intercultural education and reading promotion ➤ to determine criteria for evaluating websites for children and adults working with children ➤ to establish lists of the most user-friendly and most frequently visited websites for children/adults working with children. ➤ to gather additional general information about the use of internet in each country.
  • Industry 4.0 and telecollaboration to promote cooperation networks: a pilot survey in the portuguese region of Castelo Branco
    Publication . Régio, Mónica; Gaspar, Marcelo; Farinha, Luís; Morgado, Margarida
    According to the World Economic Forum, the Fourth Industrial Revolution – also known as Industry 4.0 – is expected to take place before 2020, fostering significant changes in the way people think, live and work. Impending changes will have great impact on people and businesses. Growing digital interconnectivity will promote new business contexts, fostering communication beyond geographical borders and preventing physical constraints. Technological developments will also cause social and economic concerns, since they can create mass unemployment, inequality or talent shortages. In response to these foreseen working modifications, workers must be prepared to communicate digitally in a common language, known as lingua franca, usually English for global digital communications. In such context, local, regional and global communication is normally conducted through digital environments. Thus, as telecollaboration relates to the engagement of geographically dispersed learners in online intercultural exchanges using ICT (information and communications technologies), the potential of such collaborative methodology appears to be particularly promising for the forthcoming Industry 4.0 context, in which over one-third of skills that are considered important in today’s workforce will have changed. In order to assess the potential of such collaborative ICT-based learning methodologies to promote digital cooperation networks amongst companies and enterprises, a pilot survey focused on telecollaboration was carried-out in the Portuguese region of Castelo Branco. Preliminary results allowed discussing the advantages of combining such learning methodologies with the digital interconnectivity related to the Industry 4.0 context to develop new strategic avenues of cooperation between regional, national and international actors.
  • Parcerias estratégicas com a Europa
    Publication . Morgado, Margarida
    Um dos desafios da pós-modernidade para o ensino superior politécnico, face aos ambientes académicos plurilingues e em rápida e acelerada transformação, é o trabalho em rede com as comunidades locais/regionais e simultaneamente com a academia internacional. O financiamento europeu tem promovido a constituição de parcerias estratégicas em educação que interligam organizações de diversos tipos, tamanhos, vocação e áreas de especialização aos seus contextos específicos e ao contexto europeu. O seu objetivo é divulgar experiências educativas de qualidade a partir de recursos gratuitos e aplicar a inovação a um número de contextos cada vez mais alargados: formação de profissionais, investigação; atualização cultural, científica e técnica; e prestação de serviços.
  • The co-construction of a bilingual glossary of terms for engineering design technologies as part of learning in engineering trough a collaborative CLIL approach
    Publication . Gaspar, Marcelo; Régio, Mónica; Morgado, Margarida
    This case study refers to the collaborative work of pre-engineering and engineering students, supported by their content and English for Specific Purposes (ESP) teachers, on the development of a full semester assignment focusing on the design and construction of a dedicated glossary of terms. Based on a student-centered Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach, intermediate tasks were proposed to the students to construct their own personal glossary about the subject. As a result of the combined effort of all actors, a full class bilingual glossary of terms was obtained for engineering design technologies as part of learning in engineering through a collaborative CLIL approach.
  • The Barfie handbook of pedagogical and scientific approaches to children's books and intercultural education
    Publication . Morgado, Margarida; Cotton, Penni; Kotzien, Gerhart; Kolodziejczyk, Malgorzata; Boteva-Vladikov, Irina; Encabo, Eduardo; López, Amando; Jerez, Isabel; Ondras, Milos; Sodeify, Hana; Mark, Dona; Ratcheva-Stratieva, Lilia; Hennequin, Monique; Rabus, Silke; Fadrowska-Adamczyk, Stanislawa; Kleedorfer, Jutta; Guenova, Silvia; Egger, Anton; Świerczyńska-Jelonek, Danuta; Ryll, Maria; Janowska-Woźniak, Irena
    BARFIE (Books and Reading for Intercultural Education) is a European thematic network in intercultural education aimed at teachers, librarians, parents, children and school authorities that uses books and other media for children aged 6 to 16. BARFIE was developed in 2002, 2003 and 2004 with funding from the European Union as a Comenius network, involving at its core 14 European countries, with its teaching institutions, schools, libraries, and school authorities, while reaching out to involve schoolchildren, teachers, researchers, publishers and the public in general not only in those countries but all over Europe. BARFIE has developed a collection and catalogue of books for children and young people on intercultural education, which can be consulted at and in book form. In the collection there are around 10 books from each of 14 European states that are members or partners of the BARFIE network. The books were carefully selected by experts on children’s books and young adult books, librarians, teachers and educators with the aim of developing ideas and concepts for teaching multiculturality, being European, fighting xenophobia and racism, integrating difference and celebrating similarities. Simultaneously, BARFIE developed an online catalogue of projects on intercultural education and children’s fiction, which pools together resources of European projects developed under the European Union framework, such as The Reader’s Corner. European Style Fairy Tales, at; Children’s Polar Library, at; Communicating tradition and culture across the internet: Traditional Tales at; Europe of Tales, at; Netlibris, at; and The European Picture Book Collection, at . BARFIE further developed pedagogical materials to be used in connection with the books in the collection in the form of seminars for teachers on: Global Citizenship; Getting to Know Central European Countries through Their Books; the European Picture Book Collection; Netlibris International; or Art Basics for Children; A Handful of Stories. In order to reach schoolchildren and teachers BARFIE developed teaching packages at European and local levels on: Learning English as a Foreign Language through BARFIE books; Introducing Portuguese and the Portuguese Culture through BARFIE Books; the BARFIE Picture Book Collection, as well as introductory sessions on particular books of the collection for school use. Finally, BARFIE brought together teachers, librarians, and researchers on its three seminars: the first took place in Vienna and was hosted by the Austrian Ministry of Education and the Kinderliteraturhaus in Vienna; the second venue was Bratislava and the BARFIE seminar joined efforts with the Biennial of Illustration in Children’s Literature and IBBY in Slovakia; the third seminar was held in Warsaw and was sponsored by the IBBY section of Poland and the Polish National Library and the Austrian Kinderliteraturhaus. This collection of articles tells you more about BARFIE, its efforts, aims and achievements. It describes work done under BARFIE inspiration and the enthusiasm of teachers who were keen to take the BARFIE books into their schools and thus broaden national curricula into European spaces of communication, exchange and intercultural learning. It offers you pedagogical materials to work from, ideas to take back into libraries and schools, as well as resources to integrate with your teaching and living. The collection of articles also presents scientific and pedagogical frameworks to think about children’s books, reading and interactive learning in contemporary Europe. In the three sections of the collection – Using the Resources of the BARFIE Network (section 1), From Books into Other Media: Reading, Using & Performing, (Section 2), and Children’s Books and Children’s Literature – Research and Position Papers (section 3) there is material for you to use in the classroom, in the library or at home, as well as material to reflect on and to improve your professional practice. This collection does not, however, describe all BARFIE activities. You can find more about these on the BARFIE webpage, at, through the BARFIE newsletters, as well as through the contact persons in each European country that are on the partner section of the BARFIE webpage. Feel free to use the BARFIE resources and to join our network!
  • Intercultural communicative skills in the training of industrial engineers: a case-study on students' perceptions
    Publication . Gaspar, Marcelo; Régio, Mónica; Morgado, Margarida
    In order to understand the intercultural awareness development of engineering students, which is necessary for them to fully function in globalized educational and professional work contexts, a dedicated project was carried-out with Industrial Engineering students in a Higher Education Portuguese Polytechnic Institute during three successive academic years in the framework of an adjunct CLIL pilot experiment. Students’ perceptions were collected and assessed in order to tackle two main research questions: “Do students feel they have more opportunities for global employment or globally networked collaborative innovation?” and “What were the difficulties experienced because of the CLIL methodological approach?”. Preliminary findings point out that even though students feel that competence in English is important (or very important) concerning their work as engineers, the majority states not being proficient in that language. Students also refer that the CLIL approach allowed them to develop collaborative work with other colleagues and helped them understand better their own personal language learning needs, thus contributing to facilitate their communication in a foreign language.
  • Identidad, creación literária y soportes digitales: reflexiones sobre prácticas de alunos y professores de una IES portuguesa.
    Publication . Pires, Maria da Natividade; Morgado, Margarida; Gómes García, Luis
    Este capítulo explora as possibilidades de Educação Literária e de Leitura e Escrita em relação com o desenvolvimento de competências digitais. Na sequência de um enquadramento teórico, apresentam-se os resultados de um estudo exploratório descritivo dos pontos de vista dos professores e do ponto de vista dos alunos sobre práticas de leitura e escrita digital. Esses resultados são analisados em função das potencialidades, limitações e recomendações para a promoção da Educação Literária no quadro de alargamento de competências em práticas digitais.
  • Estudos culturais (ingleses) : o novo paradigma
    Publication . Morgado, Margarida
    Procede-se a um breve enquadramento histórico e teórico da mudança de paradigma dos estudos literários para os estudos culturais ingleses, para nestes identificar, em seguida, as suas principais etapas. Define-se para os estudos culturais uma primeira fase culturalista, uma segunda fase, estruturalista e configura-se uma encruzilhada de rumos futuros para os estudos culturais, de modo a clarificar novas posições de crítica literária e cultural assentes numa hermenêutica do quotidiano.
  • O estudo cultural da criança : contributos para uma reflexão metodológica
    Publication . Morgado, Margarida
    Partindo da análise de alguns problemas surgidos no campo da investigação dos estudos culturais sobre subculturas jovens, nomeadamente no que respeita à utilização de metodologias etnográficas, propõe-se uma reflexão sobre os limites da categoria ‘criança’ face às de ‘adolescente’ e ‘adulto’ como forma de contribuir para uma mais apurada definição metodológica do estudo cultural da criança. Este encontra-se preso à investigação, nos estudos culturais, sobre movimentos de oposição social, por via da atenção conferida às subculturas jovens, bem como aos estudos de média onde se procuram articular as experiências de recepção de crianças historicamente situadas, não se apercebendo, em nosso entender, de que toda a experiência infantil é articulada por um adulto e que o estudo cultural da criança se centra inevitavelmente na relação entre adulto e criança.